Archives for August 1, 2010

RDG Comp Plan Amendment, Final Round (for now)

From tomorrow morning’s Council Briefing Agenda:

2. Preview of Today’s Council Actions/Council and Regional Committee Reports

(All Councilmembers) 9:40 – 10:00 AM

And from the full Council agenda (meeting starts at 2pm):

Committee on the Built Environment

9. Resolution 31233

Identifying proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments to be considered for possible adoption in 2011, and requesting that the Department of Planning and Development and Seattle Planning Commission review and make recommendations about the amendments to the Council.


(Clark, Bagshaw, Burgess)

There are presentations and public comments near the start of the meeting that may or may not include RDG comp plan stuff.

I’ll try to be around and available to live tweet both of these meetings (toddler willing).  You can follow along on the Ravenna Blog twitter feed here, whether you have an account or not.