Archives for March 14, 2020

What we CAN do during the outbreak

With the “What we know is closed and why” post getting long and seemingly unending (but we’ll keep updating it, don’t worry), it’s definitely time to start a “What we CAN do” post.

We start with the BIG TWO that will continue to head up this list no matter what:

Wash your hands.

If you haven’t in a while, just do it again anyway. Soap literally rips viruses apart.

Stay at home.

If we stay put there is less risk of being exposed and/or exposing others. It is crucial to not overburden our medical resources even more.

Many people are very contagious and not sick. This may be you. Act as if it is. Stay home.

School Lunches for Students

On Monday, March 16th across the district, lunches will be provided to any Seattle Public Schools student from 11 am to 1 pm, Monday through Friday.  The closest food distribution sites to Ravenna are:

  • Eckstein Middle School (Google map)
    3003 NE 75th St Seattle, WA 98115
  • Nathan Hale High School (Google map)
    10750 30th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98125
  • Olympic Hills Elementary (Google map)
    13018 20th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98125

Here is the link to all the district’s student lunch sites. And here is where to find updates from Seattle Public Schools on everything.

Go to a park.

While many Seattle Parks and Recreation facilities are closed, most parks, trails, and other open spaces are not. The caveat is that parks cannot be used for congregating in. Keep group sizes within public health department parameters and follow the guidelines, or just go solo. Outside feels real good these days, just stay away from others.

Shop local.

For local businesses to survive (and for those same local businesses to continue to employ their workers who also need to survive), we need to spend money at those businesses.

If you’re able, call ahead and order something to be picked up later. If you don’t need anything, buy a gift card for later. Tip well if you are able. Don’t stay in the establishment long.

More ideas? Let us know below.