Just received an updated residential burglary list for Ravenna from Crime Prevention Coordinator Diane Horswill at the North Precinct of the Seattle Police Department.
I wish I could report some improvement.
This first one was reported to the Ravenna Blog on the day it happened (Burglaries take a holiday, then get right back to work):
11/01 7300blk 20th NE the victim says that the suspect(s) there a brick through the glass in his back door and rifled his wife’s jewelry box and smashed a child’s piggy bank and stole the contents (about $30)
These next three (THREE?!) are new:
11/03Â 6800blk Ravenna Ave NEÂ the victim was away all day, when he returned he found that the air conditioner was removed from a back window allowing the suspect(s) to enter, an X-Box, games, a laptop and jewelry were stolen
11/04Â 8000blk 19th NEÂ the victim was gone for a few hours during the day, when she returned she found her kitchen door kicked in, the only item taken was a digital camera
11/04Â 1700blk NE 75th the victim came home to find that the suspect(s) had used a brick to break out her kitchen door window and then reached inside to unlock the door, a jewelry box with some jewelry in it was stolen
Seems like a good time to plug our Crime Prevention meeting on Tuesday, November 16th again. Go back to this post to RSVP: You’re Invited: Crime Prevention Meeting on November 16.
I wish I had better news, Ravenna, I really do.
Here is the link to my broody, instrumental, mostly piano Pandora station that I like to listen to when autumn comes. Just seems fitting to share it here.Pandora ‘Rachel’s Radio’ Station
Possibly related to this, a man came to our house on the 20th Ave NE near 65th and asked if we were interested in a security system. I wish my husband had gotten a photo of the guy!
There have been a lot of reports of security guys going door to door lately, probably because they watch the police reports, too. Even the ol’ RB here got hit up via email.
All these guys *should* have a business card, upon which should be a phone number you could use to share your thoughts about door-to-door security system guys.
Maybe next time.