Roosevelt Neighborhood Parade this Saturday

Roosevelt Neighborhood Parade route

Been waiting for your chance to see the Roosevelt High School Marching Band go by? In uniform? With a police escort?

The Rough Riders will take to the streets (starting at NE 68th St and 15th Ave NE) at 2 pm this Saturday, June 12.

Catch them marching along the parade route at left OR hang out at Roosevelt Square where the 100+ member band will be performing a mini-concert around 2:30 pm.

NE Seattle Edible Garden Tour THIS SUNDAY

Want to see how your neighbors in Northeast Seattle are living a more local and sustainable lifestyle?  Want to wander through their yards to do it?

This is a self-guided tour – start anywhere you like, visit any gardens you like in any order you wish.  Here’s how:

  1. Head to this Google map, which contains nearly all the sites on the tour.  Choose a garden near you and head on over (starting at 11am; addresses on the tour will have signage).
  2. Each location has handouts including addresses and descriptions of every garden on the list, AND a map showing you the locations of all 15 gardens.
  3. Donate a few bucks (if you like) for the handout, read it over, and go check out some edible gardens! You have until 5pm!

Do bring the kids! There are children’s activities throughout the tour — noted on the handout — including projects and prizes.

This edible garden tour is a reoccurring event and is hosted by members of the Sustainable Northeast Seattle Urban Farmers group.  The next edible garden tour is planned for August 8.

For more information on Sustainable NE Seattle, visit

Story Time Love Post

This week marks the end of story time at the Northeast Branch until mid-June. A month doesn’t seem like that long of a break, but it IS for two reasons:

1.  My toddler has no sense of time (a day and a half is, like, FOREVER).

2. Erica Delavan, the Children’s Services Librarian, is GREAT.

My tot and I regularly frequent the 11:15 a.m. Toddler Story Time on Thursdays. And we end up regularly sharing the meeting room with upwards of 70 other people (mix of adults and other tots).

That’s 70+ kids and adults (140+ total, if you include the 10:15 a.m. shift) all moving and talking and crying and cooing, while Erica guides us all through a familiar itinerary (including two stories and a new song with a shared theme, the early literacy skill and letter of the day, a story on the felt board, old and familiar songs to open and close the story time, and a stamp on the hand at the end), and does it WELL.

So it was a special treat to attend last month’s very first Pajama Story Time (start time of 7 p.m.) with only 35 other people.

Only 35 of us! We could hear the stories! Clearly! There was room to sprawl and dance! And, it turns out, Erica can really sing!

We sang the Bears in the Bed song (…so they all rolled over and one fell out…there were four in the bed and the little one said, “I’m crowded…roll over…”) and that’s when I realized, this woman can sing!  I’d never really heard her voice before, over all the moving and talking and crying and cooing. She even had this bluesy take on the song that really added something.

And, lucky for you, dear reader, there’s one of these PJ story times left: This Wednesday, May 19, at 7 p.m. The dress code? Comfy PJs. Feet optional.

Just don’t bring too many of your friends, okay?

Northeast Branch – Seattle Public Library, 6801 35th Ave. N.E.

Storytime is back!

Now that the February is over, Storytime is finally back at the Northeast Branch of the library.  Huzzah!

The master list is here, largely the same as it’s been in the past. But there are a few new dates I want to highlight (descriptions from the website):

  • Family Story Time – Early learning activities with books, music and movement for parents, care givers and a wider age-range of children.  Wednesdays, March 10,  April 7 and May 5 from 4-4:30pm. And Saturdays, March 20 and May 15, 10:30-11am.
  • Pajama Story Time – All ages are welcome for stories, songs, dances and more. The children’s librarian will be wearing her pajamas. You can wear yours, too! Wednesdays, April 21 and May 19, 7-7:30pm.

I can’t thank the library gods enough for ADDING hours to our branch of the library, versus taking them away.

UPDATE: Talked to the Northeast Branch’s children’s librarian today. Time on the library website was incorrect for Pajama Story Time. 7pm is correct.