Thanks to our footage of the President rolling through our neighborhood, and the kind local news outlets that shared said footage, there have been a lot more eyeballs visiting the ol’ Ravenna Blog lately. And I’m sure not all those eyeballs belong to Ravenna residents…
…but more of them could.

THIS could be your living room.
Ravenna/Bryant resident Sarah would love to help you, in this regard. She’s renting a house in the neighborhood (and/or the downstairs apartment in the house).
Sarah puts the place in a nutshell for you right here:
I feel like this house defines Ravenna: it’s a Crafstman Bungalow, it’s on Ravenna Park’s ravine, and you can stumble to coffee, yoga, and 11 decent restaurants. This is the real deal.
If you’re interested, or know someone who might be, there are more pictures and information in the craigslist posting right here.
[Apparently, your cats will need references, should you want this place for your very own. Sarah is quite the stickler when it comes to references.]
This post is also another way of saying: Hey, neighbors! I could do a bit of a Real Estate Round-Up every now and then, should it be something you’d be interested in. However, I would like to keep submissions limited to non-professional Realtors at this time.
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