Just kidding! NEW EIS Deadline: September 1

The deadline has been extended!

From RNA Land Use Committee Chair Jim O’Halloran:

I’ve just received word from Shelley Bolser at DPD that the deadline for submitting comments on the scope of the EIS  (Environmental Impact Study) for redevelopment of the Sisley properties has been  extended from today (Aug. 4) until Sept. 1 – a full four weeks.  The reason given was to provide more time for the community to understand the 6 different alternatives and other information which may be available to inform your comments.

I think its good to have more time, and I am encouraged that DPD is taking steps to accommodate more input from the Community.  Please know too, that DPD Director Diane Sugimura has agreed to a meeting this month with land use representatives from both the Roosevelt and Ravenna neighborhoods.  Clearly this is the result of community concern over the format of the July 21 scoping meeting.  What’s more, Director Sugimura has expressed an apology for “what did not work” at the July 21 meeting, and promised a further response.

I especially like that second paragraph. I can’t help but think that the flood of emails to City Councilmembers the past couple weeks had something to do with this. Good work, folks!

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