Today was the second of four days of live fire training at NE 68th Street and 32nd Avenue NE. We stopped by to watch some of the action.
Oh, this poor house. It’s definitely getting the business. Still two days of training left to go, with a full house fire scheduled for Friday (potentially after lunchtime).
Periods of heavy smoke occur during some of the training exercises. In the event of a burn ban, this type of training would be canceled.
Recruits removing burnt pallets from the house after the first “evolution” of the day (a ventilation exercise).
One of the pallets continues to smolder outside.
A trainer (in blue) discusses the next evolution with the seven very serious recruits…
…who are then encouraged to head across the street to say hello to a so-excited-he’s-overwhelmed toddler.
Suiting up for the next exercise.
Oh, hey, there’s some fire.
Recruits discuss the situation while more trainers look on.
Behind these two fire fighters is the large blowtorch used to start the fires.
Filming the training.
A class from nearby Assumption-St. Bridget school came over for a closer look.
Another view from the west side. A trainer’s oxygen tank got caught on the yellow fire line tape, and it almost knocked over the camera…
…but he caught it. Very good at saving all sorts of things, these folks.
Another fire fighter at the scene talked about the training with the ASB students. Here’s he’s showing the kids how his respirator works.
Pallets used in the training get a proper post-exercise hose-down.
For more information on this live fire training by the Seattle Fire Department, visit our earlier post.
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