Lacia Bailey, with her pet goat, speaks with Paul Schulte, brother of Dennis Schulte, during a Thursday prayer vigil at Sand Point Community United Methodist Church in Seattle for Karina Ulriksen-Schulte and her son, Elias Schulte. (Ken Lambert/The Seattle Times)
UPDATE (Friday, March 29): We attended Thursday’s prayer vigil at Sand Point Community Methodist Church, and share a bit of it with you here.
Pastor Law says that Judy and Dennis Schulte’s church back home is holding a vigil at this time as well.
— Ravenna Blog (@RavennaBlog) March 29, 2013
The Schulte family, including the grandparents, Judy and Dennis, had started attending the church recently. The grandparents were able to celebrate the birth of their new grandchild with the congregation before they passed.
Sunset in the west from outside the church.
Staff from Fire Station 40, located in Wedgwood, attended the service. Lieutenant Milton was one of those who responded to the scene on Monday, March 25:
Lt. Milton, representing Fire Station 40, who is here: “I want to thank this church for having us, because I know I need it.”
— Ravenna Blog (@RavennaBlog) March 29, 2013
Many families with children at the service. Blank cards upon which messages to the family could be written were handed to everyone as they entered the church.
“Words of comfort from Holy Scripture” read by Pastor Cathlynn Law were Psalm 130, Isaiah 41:10, portions of Isaiah 43, and Romans 8:26.
A “prayer for healing for Karina and Baby Elias” was read responsively, and included the lines “give them courage,” “give them your strength,” “may they feel your comfort,” and “may they be reminded of the great love in this community for them.”
Pastor Law closes in prayer, as a child laughs. Many families here tonight.
— Ravenna Blog (@RavennaBlog) March 29, 2013
During the heart of the vigil, participants lined up to light candles “as a symbol of light and life and hope” for Karina and Baby Elias.
Candles lit for the family. Pastor Law can be seen at the pulpit in the background.
Exterior of the church, near the end of the service, which closed with the “releasing of the spirits of Dennis and Judy Schulte” and a blessing of those gathered.
As for the baby goat, seen in the picture at the top:
Truffle is now Judy's Truffle. She and Lacia were the last neighbors to see the family before they attempted to cross 75th.
— Ravenna Blog (@RavennaBlog) March 29, 2013
PREVIOUSLY: The Schultes’ church family at Sand Point Community United Methodist Church (4710 NE 70th Street) is holding a prayer vigil for Karina and Baby Elias on Thursday, March 28, at 7 PM.
View Prayer vigil at Sand Point Community United Methodist in a larger map
All are welcome to attend.

Notice about the prayer vigil posted at the memorial on NE 75th St. Photo courtesy Lacia Lynn Bailey.
Thursday is also Maundy Thursday, the fifth day of the Christian Holy Week when the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles is commemorated.
UPDATE (Thursday, March 28): Looks like a memorial vigil/walk is forming up to take place on Monday, April 1, starting at the Wedgwood Top Pot at 70th and 35th, and traveling to and from the memorial site at 75th and 33rd. 4-5 PM. Details here.
View Walk/Vigil for the Schulte Family in a larger map
More on this story on Ravenna Blog:
Memorial service in Indiana for Judy and Dennis Schulte (last updated on Thursday, April 11)
Arraignment of NE 75th Street DUI homicides suspect on Thursday (last updated on Thursday, April 11)
Timeout to say THANK YOU, on behalf of the Schulte family (last updated on Sunday, April 7)
Hundreds walk to remember, honor the Schulte family (PHOTOS) (last updated on Monday, April 1)
Memorial to the family at NE 75th St grows (PHOTOS) (last updated on Sunday, March 31)
Memorial and medical funds set up for victims of Monday’s traffic tragedy (last updated on Thursday, March 28)
Suspect in Monday’s traffic fatalities no stranger to DUIs (last updated on Sunday, March 31)
Multiple casualty incident on NE 75th St near Eckstein Middle School (PHOTOS) (last updated on Wednesday, March 27)
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