Our humble little Ravenna Blog has been up and around for over four years now, which means there’s a decently sized chunk of recent Ravenna neighborhood history chronicled here.
We’ve taken a look back at Septembers past to bring you a new reoccurring feature on the site: The Ravenna Blog Rewind*.
On the last Sunday of every month, over the next year, we’ll comb the Ravenna Blog archives for notable events from months past, and list them together for your perusal.
September 2011
6: This is not what I mean by, “Let’s hang out at Ravenna Park.” – There’s a long history of repelling off the bridge over Ravenna Park. And some people are better at it than others.

Picture courtesy Thom George (and son James), taken with a Windows Phone 7
14: A day in the life of a North Precinct patrol officer – As a part of the Seattle Police Department’s burgeoning experimentation with social media, Officer Acuesta takes the neighborhood along on a Tweet-a-Long through his beat, Union 1.
17: Busy weekend for police at the northern Ravenna/Roosevelt boundary – Neighbors along 15th Ave NE between NE 65th and 75th St report a lot of police activity over one weekend (which includes some warrant service, and flash bombs).
19: Public Hearing on the Roosevelt Rezone – Big public meeting in the Roosevelt High School auditorium, with all nine city councilmembers in attendance.
September 2010
14: Picardo P-Patch’s First Fundraiser Dinner – You’re Invited – Picardo P-Patch holds its first fundraiser dinner in the garden, and mother nature tries to chip in by washing the dishes (pictures from the dinner posted on October 3: Picardo P-Patch Fundraiser Dinner – Eatin’ in the Rain)
21: CSA for Carnivores: Thundering Hooves (new Bryant delivery stop) – Thundering Hooves is no more, but Blue Valley Meats picked up where they left off. Deliveries to our area every three weeks to Grateful Bread (7001 35th Ave NE)
September 2008
4: Gelato spoon at the ready? – Da Pino (2207 NE 65th St) opens! And now I’m hankering for boar meat.
9: You may now commence the fun. – The newly improved playground at Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center opens! Councilmember Rasmussen was on hand for the ribbon cutting.
10: No soup for you! Unless you’re in Fremont. – Nana’s Soup House closes, and moves business to Fremont. It has since changed its name to Korner Kitchen.
30: Let the sunshine in. – Ravenna Third Place Books undergoes some remodeling, losing a mural but gaining some windows.
See you back here on October 28th for Ravenna Blog Rewind: October Edition.
*Astute locals will rightly assume that the name is an homage to my favorite KUOW show (1998?-2004).
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