Say hello to new Ravenna Blog staff!

We apologize for the lag in posting lately. We’ve been adding to our staff in order to serve you, the Ravenna community, better.

This is Oskar Nelson, the newest addition to the Ravenna Blog staff. He was “hired” on Sunday, October 9.

Here he is with the publisher and the junior editor, at his first company meeting.

Everyone is doing well, although the junior editor is rather besotted with him and needs to be told to get back into his bed and stop helping already because the night shift is not his beat to cover.


  1. Congratulations. I look forward to his first posts.

  2. Congratulations on the new “hire”!

  3. Sally Bagshaw says:

    Congratulations! I’d noticed you were quiet there for awhile. Glad it was for such a great reason — so happy for you!


  1. […] years later, and with the addition of one more staff member last October, we’re still […]

  2. […] Say hello to new Ravenna Blog staff! – We had a baby. And we are happy to report that he is still pretty cute and very […]

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