Say hello to new Ravenna Blog staff!

We apologize for the lag in posting lately. We’ve been adding to our staff in order to serve you, the Ravenna community, better.

This is Oskar Nelson, the newest addition to the Ravenna Blog staff. He was “hired” on Sunday, October 9.

Here he is with the publisher and the junior editor, at his first company meeting.

Everyone is doing well, although the junior editor is rather besotted with him and needs to be told to get back into his bed and stop helping already because the night shift is not his beat to cover.

Your Busy Weekend in the Ravenna Neighborhood (updated)

Here is a smattering of events happening today (Saturday) and next week.

Saturday, October 1

  • Help out our neighborhood and its community organization by delivering copies of the Ravenna-Bryant Community Association’s Fall 2011 Newsletter to your part of the neighborhood. No delivery area too small. Please contact RBCA Land Use Committee Chair Andrew Miller for more information.
  • Ad partner UW Medicine is holding an open house at their new Ravenna Clinic location (4915 25th Ave NE #300) from 1-4 PM. Tour the new facilities, listen to and meet members of the UW Husky Marching Band (from 1-1:30 PM), meet UW mascot Harry the Husky (1-2 PM), enter to win gift certificates to University Village, and more. More information about this new UW Medicine primary care clinic and today’s open house can be found here.
  • Ravenna Community Garden hosts a Harvest celebration dinner this Saturday Oct. 1 from 5:30-7:00 PM at the Ravenna Eckstein Community Center (6535 Ravenna Ave NE). Pasta, salad bread and dessert on the menu. Donations happily accepted: $5.00 individual, $10.00 family.
  • Candy Cane Lane holds its annual yard sale (weather permitting) on Saturday, October 1, from 8AM-1PM, at 2132 Park Rd (the corner house at the bend on Ravenna Blvd, closest to the Ravenna playground and parking lot). It is a multi-family sale put together by the Candy Cane Lane families, and we use the proceeds to buy all the paint, plywood, lights, decorations, etc for the yearly holiday display, as well as to pay the electric bill to run the revolving carousel. This year we will have some furniture, including two children’s rolltop desks, some outdoor items, plus lots of toys, books, children’s clothing, baby items, kitchen items, and household goods such as lamps, curtains, rugs, etc. We never know what the neighbors bring out until the day of the sale, and every year we have some lovely treasures.

And into Next Week

  • Join other Eckstein Middle School parents at a gardening work party
    in the raised beds in the back courtyard every Monday and Wednesday from 9-10 AM (weather permitting). Please bring gloves and weeding tools if you have them. For more information or to make a donation please contact Gretchen Bauer at
  • Ravenna-Bryant Community Association’s fall community-wide meeting takes place next Tuesday night, October 4th, at the Ravenna Eckstein Community Center (6535 Ravenna Ave NE), from 7-9 PM. Agenda and more information available here.


    Local residents and business owners: Have an event going on for or in the greater Ravenna neighborhood that you’d like to share? The email inbox is always open for you:

Public Hearing on the Roosevelt Neighborhood Rezone, Monday, Sept. 19 (UPDATES)

UPDATE (Monday, September 26): You can now watch the entire Roosevelt Rezone Public Hearing here, on the Seattle Channel’s website.

Tonight at the Roosevelt High School Auditorium (1410 NE 66th St), the Seattle City Council’s Committee on the Built Environment (COBE) is holding a public hearing about the Roosevelt Neighborhood Rezone.

Photo by Steve Ringman/The Seattle Times. Used with permission.

This is everyone’s chance to speak his/her thoughts and concerns to members of the City Council directly (for two minutes); however, written comments can be sent to Councilmembers up until the vote is taken (late this year, or early 2012).

And rumor has it all nine Councilmembers will be in attendance.

This public hearing starts at 6 PM, with sign-up for speakers opening at 5:30 PM.

For those of you who cannot attend, you have three live-tweeters to choose from: Us (@RavennaBlog), the Roosevelt Neighborhood Blog (@Roosiehood), and one of Seattle Transit Blog’s writers, Bruce Nourish (@brucenourish).

If you ARE attending tonight’s hearing and would like to contribute to the Twitter conversation, we’ll be using the hashtag #RRzone. Folks at home can follow along here.

More information about the Roosevelt Neighborhood Rezone

Today’s edition of the Seattle Times included a piece about the rezone, primarily from the neighborhood’s point of view: Neighborhood embraces change — but fights to save a view

Seattle Transit Blog also posted a piece today, detailing density proponents’ frustrations with the neighborhood’s plan: Roosevelt rezones up for discussion tonight

UPDATE: The Roosevelt Neighborhood Association has two a final document detailing their latest wishes for the rezone: “Sustainable, Livable Roosevelt”

The Chair of the Ravenna-Bryant Community Association, Andrew Miller, has laid out the RBCA’s position on the Roosevelt Neighborhood Rezone.*


*Full disclosure: I am the Chair of the RBCA’s Communications Committee, which means I update the association’s website and assist with the newsletter. You can find the full list of Board Members and Committee Chairs here.

Achtung! Heidelberg House is hiring!

We happened to be cruising through the Ravenna craigslist postings the other day, as we are want to do, when we came along “Now Hiring All Positions Fine German Food & Spirits (Ravenna).”

We think it’s safe to assume that this posting is for Heidelberg Haus, the German restaurant replacing Bernu’s at 2122 NE 65th St.

Here’s the rest of the craigslist posting, which hints at what the owners have planned for the menu.

We are now accepting applications for all FOH and BOH positions:









Prior fine dining and high volume experience a plus.

Knowledge of Southern German Food, Wine, and Beer preferred.

Knowledge of the German Language a huge plus.

Professional, Outgoing and Upbeat applicants should reply with the following;

A brief cover letter including your contact info and basic information about you.


Availability and Questions.

Interviews start tomorrow.

Wages and Compensation is based on work and experience.

Busy weekend for police at the northern Ravenna/Roosevelt boundary (Update of Saturday incidents)

UPDATE (Tuesday, September 20): The word on those three incidents on Saturday, September 17, from North Precinct Officer Thomas (via email; emphasis mine):

The first two incidents you mention are the same looking at the event #. In this incident a male was almost home when he was approached by three subjects. One pointed what looked like a gun at the victim and asked him “what he had.” The others told him to put the “heater” away. They were not located. The other incident was a [domestic violence] assault with an arrest. Incident #2011-307248.


It’s been a busy couple of days for police officers in the area just north of the NE 65th St and 15th Ave NE intersection.

View Larger Map

Here are three FOUR police-related incidents we’re currently working on.


Ravenna and Roosevelt residents in the area of 15th Avenue NE between NE 65th St and NE 75th St may have woken up a bit on the early side on Friday morning, September 16.

Two residents reported hearing two loud bangs/explosions just after 5 AM that morning. Several others remarked about a hovering helicopter in the area. Metro bus routes 72 and 73 (northbound only) were rerouted around the area during this time, “due to an incident.”

Local resident Sue went so far as to call the Seattle Police Department (at, we assume, their public information number) and was told (per her email to us), “[T]he helicopters might be related to a Bellevue police search for someone on an arrest warrant.”


ADDED Saturday, 10:24 PM: The editor over at Roosiehood emailed over the following from area resident Kelly (written on Roosiehood’s Facebook page):

I called the police Friday AM and they told me the explosions were some sort of compression bombs that were launched by the Bellevue police to flush someone they had a search warrant for out of one of the Sisley properties. Seattle police were aware of the situation. It really frightened me!

Reminder: At this time, I do not have confirmation of an address or block that the Bellevue Police were targeting that morning.


We were able to confirm through SPD Officer Brian Thomas (the Community Police Team member for the area) that the Bellevue Police had been in the area, but he had no further information on the activity.

Our call to the Bellevue Police Department Public Information Officer on Friday has gone unanswered, thus far.

If/When we learn more information about this activity, we will update this post.


[Recent update for this section is at the top of this post.]

There have been two three events in the area so far today:

  1. This morning at 1:12 AM, an armed robbery took place on the 6800 block of 16th Ave NE.
  2. This morning at 4 AM, an armed burglary (with a gun) was reported in the 1500 block of 68th Avenue NE.
  3. At approximately 10 AM, Ravenna resident Sarah reported (via text) “Cops all over 65 n 15th now!” and, when asked about which kind of police (Seattle or Bellevue), she said, “Spd they were arresting[.]”

We will get in touch with Officer Thomas tomorrow (Sunday) and see if he can provide any more information on these two three incidents. Updates will be posted below.

Now, let’s all have a quiet Sunday, shall we?

A day in the life of a North Precinct patrol officer

Yesterday’s Seattle Police Department “Tweetalong” with Officer Audi Acuesta started off slow, peaked with a robbery arrest in Maple Leaf (complete with news helicopers), and made for interesting reading throughout.

Seattle Police Officer Acuesta, just before heading off to assist fellow officers with arresting a home invasion suspect in Maple Leaf.

The following is a collection of nearly all of Officer Acuesta’s tweets on the Seattle Police Department’s twitter feed yesterday, plus some of my commentary. I also pulled some comments made by others from the #tweetalong hashtag, though not all.

Got my car and responding to a nuisance call. #SeattlePD #tweetalong
September 13, 2011
Guy sleeping on a couch! Nasty hangover! #SeattlePD #tweetalong
September 13, 2011

yfrog Photo : Shared by SeattlePD
Photo by on YFrog

@RavennaBlog Have to say, so far Ravenna doesn’t look like the most happening neighborhood, according to @SeattlePD! #thisisagoodthing
September 13, 2011
Tweet-a-long with Seattle Police @SeattlePD today- complete with photos! #tweetalong #SeattlePD
September 13, 2011
@nansen I trust they’re pulling over to the side of the road first? 😛 #tweetalong #SeattlePD
September 13, 2011
.@joyeousness Nope, it’s been pretty quiet. But he’s off to help with a burglary suspect near Northgate now.
September 13, 2011
@SeattlePD what is with the helicopter around the Northgate I-5 area? (1:51 pm 9/13)
September 13, 2011
Met up with @SeattlePD Ofc. Acuesta at Ravenna Third Place Books, talked shop. Our ‘hood is lucky to have him on patrol here, IMHO. …
September 13, 2011
It’s the slower part of his shift now (hence lack of tweets). + he’s a solo officer in a patrol car (a different gig than those on bikes).
September 13, 2011
@SeattlePD This is so interesting, thank you for doing a tweetalong!
September 13, 2011
Caught suspect in a home invasion Robbery!!!! Great work to all the officers at the scene!! #SeattlePD #tweetalong
September 13, 2011
#SeattlePD has taken into custody a wanted robbery suspect in North Seattle. We hope to have more details on the SPD Blotter within an hour
September 13, 2011
@SeattlePD I like this idea of Tweeting while you folks are on duty! Great job keeping us informed!
September 13, 2011
What Air4 is currently flying over: RT @SeattlePD: #SeattlePD has taken into custody a wanted robbery suspect in North Seattle.
September 13, 2011
Still waiting details on robbery arrest in N. Seattle, but here’s SPD taking their suspect into custody-
September 13, 2011

yfrog Photo : Shared by komonews
Photo by on YFrog

Dirty pants running thru the yards!!! #SeattlePD #tweetalong
September 13, 2011

yfrog Photo : Shared by SeattlePD
Photo by on YFrog

Helps to have a @komonews chopper taking pics! RT @Roosiehood: @kristen206 @SeattlePD I’m LOVING the Tweetalong! It’s like I’m there! 🙂
September 13, 2011
It was nice talking with Rebecca!!!! #SeattlePD #tweetalong
September 13, 2011
I love the tweetalongs. Helps people see police as REAL people. Stay safe & sincere! @SeattlePD
September 13, 2011
.@SeattlePD Nice talking to you, too! Glad to see that your day got a little more exciting (but not TOO exciting). #tweetalong
September 13, 2011
Off to see what’s going on at Cowen and Ravenna park. #SeattlePD #tweetalong
September 13, 2011
Ofc. Acuesta mentioned that burglary calls tend to pick up around 3PM, as folks start getting home from work. #tweetalong
September 13, 2011
#SeattlePD apprehends wanted robbery suspect in North Seattle. For additional details go to
September 13, 2011
SPD Blotter » Wanted Robbery suspect apprehended in North Seattle

Posted by Detective Jeff Kappel On September 13th at approximately 1:29 p.m. North Precinct patrol officers spotted a wanted robbery suspect driving a white sedan in the area of NE 107th Street and 15th Avenue NE (there was probable cause to arrest the adult male suspect for a home-invasion robbery that occurred in the city within the last few weeks).
Ofc. Acuesta and I were finishing up our chat when the burglary call came through. He sped off to assist… #tweetalong
September 13, 2011
Not a call he would normally go to alone, as he’s only a single officer in a patrol car. But he did help out:
September 13, 2011
In Cowen/Ravenna Park now. RT @SeattlePD: Drugs are bad! Please so no to drugs! #SeattlePD #tweetalong
September 13, 2011

yfrog Photo : Shared by SeattlePD
Photo by on YFrog

@SeattlePD .. thank you for you service police department.. I live in the area and feel good knowing you are looking out for us
September 13, 2011
@SeattlePD what’s the legality of this scenario pictured? Curious on the discretion officers take of risk, threat, and nuisance #tweetalong
September 13, 2011
Part of Ofc. Acuesta’s normal patrol routine is to walk around the parks, check under the bridges, see if folks need aid. #tweetalong
September 13, 2011

Metro Bus Route 73 was detoured off of 15th Ave NE between NE Northgate and NE 80th St for at least half an hour, due to the police activity in the area. Back to regular route at about 3PM.

I meant to say “Say”, not so! #SeattlePD #tweetalong
September 13, 2011
Just went to a suicidal person call on the overpass NE 85 st over I-5. #SeattlePD #tweetalong
September 13, 2011
Home Invasion Suspect Arrested Following Chase, Crash In North Seattle
September 13, 2011
No one located in the area! Area check near the location for person. #SeattlePD #tweetalong
September 13, 2011
No one located, only one caller reporting the incident. #SeattlePD
September 13, 2011
Going to a intoxicated male on 8000 blk of 5 av NE. Guy walking in an out of traffic. #SeattlePD #tweetalong
September 13, 2011
Contacted the intoxicated male, he was standing on the sidewalk. #SeattlePD #tweetalong
September 13, 2011
Male had been drinking and was upset over a divorce. He stated he is going to go home and drink more! #SeattlePD #tweetalong
September 13, 2011
@SeattlePD ha, just saw you on that while driving by. #spdcelebsiting
September 13, 2011
@SeattlePD Yeah, *that* will fix it… Doh!
September 13, 2011
Hanging out with biker boys on the Ave! #SeattlePD #tweetalong
September 13, 2011

yfrog Photo : Shared by SeattlePD
Photo by on YFrog

Good to see some community-relevant tweets by @SeattlePD! Whoever is tweeting knows their #socialmedia stuff!
September 13, 2011
Going to an accident on Roosevelt/NE Campus PY. Veh vs bicyclist. #SeattlePD #tweetalong
September 13, 2011
Everyone is ok. #SeattlePD #tweetalong
September 13, 2011
Suspicious person at the 4100 blk of university Wy NE. #SeattlePD #tweetalong
September 13, 2011
Male keeps bringing bicycles and locking them up, he has five now. #SeattlePD #tweetalong
September 13, 2011
@SeattlePD does each cop usually respond to this many incidents in one day? #tweetalong
September 13, 2011
@SeattlePD sometimes I imagine super snarky commentary for you guys.
September 13, 2011
Bicycle patrol were flagged down at 1413 NE 50 st. Some one wanted to report they saw a Americas Most wanted person. #SeattlePD #tweetalong
September 13, 2011
Going to back the bike guys. #SeattlePD #tweetalong
September 13, 2011
With the bike unit. Guy is not wanted! #SeattlePD #tweetalong
September 13, 2011
At the Safeway on Brooklyn. With a felony warrant for burg! #SeattlePD #tweetalong
September 13, 2011
Suspect with warrant taken into custody and transported to the North PCT #SeattlePD #tweetalong
September 13, 2011
Doing some paper work at the North Pct and will be going home shortly! 3rd watch stay safe! #SeattlePD #tweetalong
September 13, 2011
@SeattlePD Thank you for keeping us safe & patroling the streets of Seattle! Appreciate what you do!
September 13, 2011
@SeattlePD Thanks for today’s #tweetalong ! Thoroughly enjoyed it and learned a lot. Thanks for keeping our ‘hoods safe!
September 13, 2011
@SeattlePD Good tweeting Officer Acuesta
September 13, 2011
@SeattlePD Thanks for the #tweetalong there. You guys should keep on doing this more. I appreciate what you guys are doing now these days.
September 13, 2011
Thanks for all the tweets today! RT @SeattlePD: Doing some paper work at the North Pct and will be going home shortly! 3rd watch stay safe!
September 13, 2011

Ride along with Officer Acuesta, virtually, as he patrols Ravenna

Ever wanted to go on a ride-along with a police officer? Tomorrow, Tuesday, September 13, you have your chance!

Officer Acuesta has plenty of room for you to ride along...but only tomorrow from 11AM to 8PM. (Picture source: Seattle Police Department)

From the SPD Blotter (Seattle Police News and Events site):

Ever wanted to go on a police ride along but never had the time? Curious as to what a day in the life of a Seattle Police patrol officer looks like? Now you can – virtually.

Join us tomorrow for Tweetalong Tuesday. Follow North Precinct patrol officer Audi Acuesta as he goes about a typical day patrolling roughly from I-5 to 35th Avenue NE and from NE Ravenna Boulevard to NE 95th Street. Police responses will be summarized in easily digestible bites of 140 characters or less. Pictures will be included as appropriate. Learn more about Officer Acuesta and follow his shift Tuesday 11:00 AM – 8:00 PM by following us @SeattlePD on Twitter.

Below is a map of Officer Acuesta’s patrol area tomorrow. It includes ALL of Ravenna and Roosevelt, and parts of Bryant, Maple Leaf, and Wedgwood (by my estimation).

View SPD Tuesday Tweetalong area in a larger map

We plan to retweet the highlights as they happen on the Ravenna Blog twitter feed, and Storify as much of the virtual ride-along for a post on Wednesday (for those who wish to read the tweets later, on this website).

This is not the first time the Seattle Police Department has experimented with social media: The first tweetalong was with East Precinct officers on bikes on August 9th (highlights at Capitol Hill Seattle). Before that, on July 26th, the SPD official twitter feed posted nearly every emergency call in the city for 12 hours. Perhaps you read about it, in the New York Times.

Fire at Silver Cloud Inn this morning quickly extinguished

A shot from KING5's SkyKING helicopter of the Silver Cloud Inn this morning. (Photo courtesy KING5)

Just before 7AM this morning, the Seattle Fire Department was called to the Silver Cloud Inn (5036 25th Ave NE) between the Ravenna Neighborhood and the University Village.

View Silver Cloud Inn in a larger map

The hotel was evacuated during the incident. The fire was extinguished quickly, and there were no reports of injury.

Kyle Moore, Public Information Officer for the Seattle Fire Department, had more details (via email):

We received a call at 6:50 this morning. When firefighters arrived most of the flames were knocked down by the automatic sprinkler system in the hotel.

The sprinkler went off in a first inside the first floor room. The occupant went out of the room and pulled an alarm. The sprinklers doused most of the fire but there still was smoke in the bottom level hallway. 130 of the rooms of the hotel were occupied and about 200 people were evacuated from the hotel.

There were no reports of injuries.

The damage estimate is 10 thousand to the structure and 5 thousand dollars to contents.

The fire investigator is still waiting to speak with the occupant of the room to further determine the cause of the fire, which started in or next to his or her bed.

Girl on bicycle hit, injured by car while crossing NE 65th St (UPDATE)

UPDATE (Sunday, 7:25PM): She’s okay.

Michelle, the mother of the two girls, left a couple messages on the Ravenna Blog facebook page, and I share them with you here:

Hello, I am the mother of the little girl that was struck by the car on 65th while riding the bike. She is ok. Her name is Elle Grant and she was riding with her sister Bella. They were headed out for a bike ride around the block (70th) without me and decided it was too hot to wear helmets and took them off after leaving the house. The report Bella gave me was that they were in search for an adventure and somehow (a thought that makes my stomache turn) they decided to cross 65th. I heard the sirens and tried not to overreact. But then i started to panic, and as i headed for the door, Bella was running up the street screaming that her sister had been hit on 65th.

The long and short is that we had a long 24 hours at Harborview but Elle is ok. If anyone knows the driver, i would like to contact her. I feel so terrible for her. Thanks to all of you that helped my daughters yesterday. I am eternally in your debt. The truth is, there really are angels walking this earth and I am lucky to have had them so close to my children at our scariest hour.
Thank you.


Just after 11AM this morning, one of two girls on bikes crossing NE 65th St at 23rd Avenue NE was struck by a car headed west on NE 65th St.

View Accident location in a larger map

Patty Campbell, the editor of Roosiehood, and her fiancé, Dom, were at the Ravenna Varsity (2300 NE 65th St) when the accident occurred.

Here is their account of the accident (via text messages):

Driver was going west, 2 girls, about 6 and 8, were crossing 65th ON bikes at 23rd. We were at the Varsity having breakfast. Dom saw it happen.

Driver saw the older girl dart out and threw on brakes, but the little one went out in front of her sister and I think her tire got hit.

No helmets. Girl’s head hit the pavement. Blood. Screaming. We all went out and blocked traffic. There was a doctor there who helped.

They live […] fairly close, I assume. Older girl ran back to get mom.

As I was writing this post, Corinne left the following comment on the Ravenna Blog’s facebook page:

There was a car/bike collision on 65th and 23rd. Two little girls riding their bikes across the street and one of them got hit by a car. It looks like it was a pretty minor incident; the little girl and her family were taken to the hospital to get her checked out. I was really impressed with how everyone was doing their best to get the little girl help. What a horrible Saturday for everyone involved. All the EMT workers/cops etc kept saying ‘she’s going to be fine, she’s going to be just fine.’ I would love to hear how she is doing if anyone knows anything further.

At this time, I have no information on the condition of the injured girl. I have contacted the Public Information Officer at the Seattle Fire Department for more information and will update this post if/when I learn more.

Dahl Wading Pool season ends TODAY (Thursday)

Thanks to a meteorologically late start to summer this year, the Seattle Parks and Recreation Department extended the seasons of 11 of the city’s wading pools, including the one at nearby Dahl Field (7700 25th Avenue NE).

Today’s wading pool hours of 12-7PM will be you and your little one’s last chance to cool your toes in the wading pool this summer. And with a high in the low 80s forecast for this afternoon (peaking around 4PM), I highly recommend it.

That and a box of popsicles and you got a good time.