UPDATE (Wednesday): The Roosevelt News has a wrap-up and slideshow of last night’s Girls varsity game. A piece on the Boys varsity game will join it later today, at that same link.
At tonight’s Roosevelt High School varsity boys and girls basketball games, graduating senior players will be honored.
Before the evening’s games, senior members of each team will stand with family, be thanked for their time with their respective teams, and what college they will be attending (if known) will be announced.
The Boys’ varsity team has seven seniors: Corey Scott, Jake DiJulio, AJ Edwards, Adrian Noteboom, Turner Huletz, Joe Knight and Brian Merry. The Girls varsity team has five: Katherine Woodworth, Sydney Melkerson, Sydney Morrill, Tanner Adams, and Meg Monsen.
Girls take the court tonight at 5:45 PM, Boys at 7:30 PM, at Roosevelt High School (1410 NE 66th St). Both games are against Woodinville. Cost is $6 for adults, $4 for ages 6 through high school (with an activity card), and free for ages 5 and under, and home students with an activity card.
The Roosevelt High School newspaper, The Roosevelt News, was kind enough to share with us shots of the senior boys in action:

A.J. Edwards / Photo courtesy The Roosevelt News

Jake Dijulio / Photo courtesy The Roosevelt News

Joe Knight / Photo courtesy The Roosevelt News

Adrian Noteboom / Photo courtesy The Roosevelt News

Brian Merry / Photo courtesy The Roosevelt News
Special thanks to RHS students Brian Merry (Varsity Basketball senior) and Mitchell Smith (Roosevelt News Sports Editor) for their help with this post.