Listened to the freezing rain for a good long while this morning, before it hit me:
Have decided that the freezing rain sound is most akin to the sound Rice Krispies make after milk is poured on them.
I wait to have those after lunch. RT @annsy5 Or maybe the sound Pop Rocks make in your mouth?
Not a snow plow to be seen anywhere in NE Seattle this morning…
Proof that NE 65th St has seen no recent snowplow love. RT @ravennabryant: I’m sorry, this is an arterial? t.co/SL2yAyb2
…but local arterials roads saw plenty of action in the evening:
Another sighting! #unicorn RT @scottchampion: Hark! I a snow plow driving down 25th! So they *do* plow the streets. t.co/BPETqJPE
KIRO 7 Meteorologist Morgan Palmer visited the neighborhood in the morning for a live shot:
A wintry scene in Ravenna. Live shortly on @kiro7seattle t.co/z6edNGwC
Southern Ravenna resident Steve Sorbo did a walkabout for us, and sent back a slew of reports:
#uw students walking home with groceries and a half rack of PBR #WAsnow #essentials
Near where woman landed on her head yesterday. RT @macsosguy: t.co/fyImXr99 – Sledding on NE 54th St. #WAsnow
Cowen prk/Ravenna park I’d packed. #wasnow #sleddersparadise t.co/qzD8C7mJ
Hazard pay coming. RT @macsosguy: t.co/EIx1bEdv – Yours truly sledding. Hand held cam. what I will do for @ravennablog #wasnow
Lots of nordic skiers out and about:
Forza’s coffee company on 25th Ave NE. Seattle has become Whistler BC! #wasnow t.co/HPsMNmf1
NICELY DONE. RT @ravennabryant: Skiing on in to Top Pot to get my 1/2 priced donuts! t.co/dCvY6DxF
Mr. Ravenna Blog, our pedestrian commute reporter, took some photos during his walk up from the University District this afternoon:
A few other assorted photos from Ravenna and Cowen Parks, and Ravenna Blvd:
Kitty?! It ATE someone! MT @itsajenism: Found a snow kitty someone made! t.co/GgFoGWhc
Caught some air there! RT @Hireling: Weeeeeeee! t.co/R4PTWm1d
And some odds and ends:
She took pictures outside, so we can stay inside. Thanks! RT @RavennaGirlB: {posty!} Seattle snow day! t.co/eNf6J2gt #snomg
The Ravenna Girls » Blog Archive » snowy snowySeattle and snow. Such a beautiful combination. Sometimes we move so fast, letting ourselves get irritated that traffic is terrible, or p…
Ravenna Craigslist Special One-Off Winter Edition – Free Snow (Washington State): t.co/nE02AB65
bloody hell it is still just pooping down snow here at the convergence zone of the 98105/98115 #seasnow #seaice
@RavennaBlog @Roosiehood The Atlantic Crossing has a suggestion about drinks: t.co/8ggfzvJN (channeling Hyperbole and a Half).
University of Washington’s crew team practices despite snow storm – via @UWHuskyCrew t.co/YnS9T6eK
Snow Day #2 in pictures (updated)
November 23, 2010 by 3 Comments
Round 2: Some pictures taken on the way to and fro the View Ridge PCC, where my Thanksgiving Turkey was awaiting pick-up.
There’s a house down the street from me with a rather fascinating collection of yard art, among which is this fountain.
You can’t quite see the ice in this still photograph, but let me tell you: Everything but that horizontal jet of water is FROZEN. Can’t wait to see what the fountain looks like tomorrow!
These are a couple of savvy sledders at about NE 68th St and 28th Ave NE. Note the presence of helmets, keeping their noggins both warm AND safe.

Headed back home, with turkey in tow
Round 1: Just back from a brief walk-about. Here are some of my pictures.
There’s a lot of side streets in this part of Ravenna that make for great sledding. And I would consider NE 68th Street as it crosses 20th Avenue NE to be the biggest and best.

Downward and west-bound, and sliding through NE 68th St and 20th Ave NE
But in order to slide it safely, you need a couple of responsible-types to stand on 20th to hold traffic.
The snow-covered hilly streets around here are a pain for drivers, but perfect for snow days like today. And, on a personal note, I just love seeing everyone coming out to play, and keeping it safe for everyone.
I saw a few of these on my walk as well: Big plastic bins or tubs in the center of intersections, at the bottoms of sledding hills. Definitely not as safe as having an actual person looking out for traffic, though.
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