Rally and march near Montlake, University Bridges this afternoon (updates)

This afternoon, the 99% are coming north of the cut.

A rally and march are planned for the University of Washington area, starting at 3:30 this afternoon.

From Working Washington’s facebook page for the event:

On November 17, people from across the area will converge at the functionally obsolete Montlake Bridge to demand our political leaders build bridges to good jobs, not make more cuts. This is part of a national day of action for jobs that’s happening in dozens of cities across the country.

The schedule of events today appears to be:

3:30 PM – Gathering at the grassy area just west of the intersection of Montlake & Pacific

4:00 PM – Rally

4:30 PM – March

One possible route the march could take we’ve gleaned from the website The Stand, a project of the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO (WSLC) and its affiliated unions. The Stand describes the march route as starting near the Montlake Bridge, but ending at the University Bridge to the west, due to “safety concerns cited by the Seattle Police Dept.”

A call to the front desk at the North Precinct reveals no final march route plans in place at the time of this writing; however, the officer on the phone said “they’re having a big summit on it right now.”

Capitol Hill Seattle echoes the march route move to the University Bridge, citing a Thursday Day of Action itinerary (at the bottom of the post).

UPDATE (12:14 PM): The Seattle Times’ Today File confirms the move to march to the University Bridge instead of to Montlake, citing the information on The Stand’s website that we mentioned earlier.

View November 17th rally and march in a larger map

UPDATE (12:21 PM): The Seattle Department of Transportation has sent out the following traffic advisory (via email):

SEATTLE  An Occupy Seattle rally and march today has the potential for creating major delays on all arterials leading to and from Ship Canal bridges during the afternoon commute.

The rally is scheduled to take place between 3:00 and 4:00 p.m. on the University of Washington campus and then is expected to march west on NE Pacific Street to the University Bridge at roughly 4:30 p.m. The demonstrators plan to block the bridge during the afternoon rush hour so their presence will likely cause traffic delays throughout the afternoon commute until after 6:30 or 7 p.m. Demonstrators may also block the Montlake Bridge during that timeframe.

Seattle Police Officers will be on hand to minimize traffic congestion but the blockage of any one bridge could impact other nearby Ship Canal bridges. Commuters should allow additional time for detouring to another route. Motorists who must get to the University or Children’s hospitals should plan for extra time to reach their destination.

The protests could be very disruptive to transit service this afternoon. For information or questions about transit service, please call Metro Transit customer service at 206-553-3000, and sign up to receive Transit Alerts at www.kingcounty.gov/metro/alerts.

UPDATE (2:44 PM): The Seattle Department of Transportation has a network of traffic webcams across the city, and there just happens to be one at Montlake Blvd NE @ NE Pacific St (first picture revealed after you click the camera indicated by the picture below).

This rally and march is part of a larger “Mass Day of Action” planned for today, with events happening all around the country.

Significant chunk of 15th Ave NE to be closed on Saturday

The second phase of the 15th Avenue NE Reconstruction has begun, and that means the action is heading further north.

Tomorrow, Saturday, June 18, a significant portion of 15th Avenue NE will be closed. Traffic headed east-west will have one lane each way on NE 50th St, and north-south traffic will detour to University Way NE.

View 15th Avenue NE closure on Saturday, June 18 in a larger map

The SDOT Traffic Advisory:

A contractor working for the Seattle Department of Transportation will close 15th Avenue NE between NE 45th Street and NE Ravenna Boulevard on Saturday, June 18, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. for street improvements. General traffic and buses will be detoured to University Way NE. One lane in each direction will be maintained on NE 50th Street. The closure will allow the contractor to install new drainage facilities in this area.

Beginning next week, the contractor will begin removing and replacing the pavement on 15th Avenue NE between NE 50th Street and NE 55th Street. One lane for each direction of traffic will remain open.

This work is part of the second phase of the 15th Avenue NE Reconstruction Project, between NE 45th Street and NE 55th Street.

For more project information, please visit the project website at: http://www.seattle.gov/transportation/pave_15thavene.htm

Husky game TONIGHT: Get informed about the TRAFFIC

UWYup, you read that right: There is a Husky football game tonight.  The Dawgs are playing UCLA at 5 pm in Husky Stadium (3800 Montlake Boulevard NE).

The cause of the weird schedule? The game is being televised nationally by ESPN.

I told a friend on facebook last night, “There’s a level of traffic paranoia around here that’s verging on snow forecast.”

My sentiments seem to be echoed by Mark Hallenbeck, director of the Washington State Transportation Center (located at the UW). In this article by the Seattle Times about tonight’s traffic mess potential, Mark is quoted as staying, “My gut feeling is I think it’s going to be pretty ugly.”

Rah. Rah. Rah.

So, in order to combat this paranoia, we bring you the following Thursday Night Husky Game Traffic Information, brought to you by Peg Neilsen at the Seattle Department of Transportation.

  • Peak traffic expected to occur between 2 – 5 pm, with increased congestion expected throughout the evening.
  • Standard Husky game traffic rerouting will be in effect, with the following exceptions:
    • Montlake Boulevard will be CLOSED from NE Pacific to NE 44th St from 6:30-10:30 pm to accommodate bus traffic
    • The normal game-day one-way pattern on 25th Avenue NE (from the E-1 parking lot up to NE 75th St) will NOT be in effect
  • Normal PM peak weekday King County Metro Transit service will continue, with reroutes starting at 2:30 pm. Reroutes expected for the following routes: 31, 44, 65, 67, 68, 75, 205, 271, 272, 277, 372, 273 and ST 540. Check Transit Alerts for reroute information.
  • Metro buses will not be available to take fans to the game from Park-and-Rides, but charter buses have been hired to replace them. You have to reserve a seat, however. More information here.
  • The Montlake Bridge will stay closed to marine traffic from 3-7 pm and 8-10 pm.  The University Bridge will stay closed only from 3-7 pm.

Good luck, and God speed.

Huskies take to the streets AND the field this weekend


Two chances to see Huskies in action and/or get stuck in Husky traffic this weekend:


Husky Band Friday Night Rally and Procession: 8:55 p.m. – 10 p.m.
600 participants
Husky band and supporters will follow a procession through Greek Row (17th Avenue NE between NE 45th and 50th Streets, approximately).  Seattle Police will escort.


University of Washington Huskies vs. Nebraska Football Game:  12:30 p.m.
Husky Stadium (3800 Montlake Blvd)
70,000 expected
Plan on congestion on I-5 and SR520 approaching the University District and on arterials surrounding stadium.

That Husky Stadium Football Game Day Traffic Information link is right here, if you need it.

Thanks again to Peg Nielsen at the Seattle Department of Transportation for her Event Traffic Advisory releases. (This one was titled, “Wallingford Goes for the Wurst and Huskies Aim for their Best” — she’s good!)