Community meeting about rezoning Roosevelt, next Monday

One of Sislely's properties (Photo courtesy of Glenn Roberts;

Want to know just what exactly the Roosevelt Neighborhood Association’s plan would mean for our area’s future  — and the future zoning of the Sisley properties at NE 65th Street and 15th Avenue NE?

The Roosevelt Neighborhood Association’s Land Use Committee is holding a general meeting for the community to learn about the RNA’s rezoning plan and the city’s Department of Planning and Development’s analysis of it.

The meeting will be held at Calvary Christian Assembly (6801 Roosevelt Way NE), Room 300, on Monday, November 15th, from 7-9 pm.

Your participation would be GREATLY appreciated for a few reasons:

  • This is THE meeting to attend if you would like to learn about the RNA’s neighborhood rezoning plans – It is a general community meeting designed to get us Regular Joes in the neighborhood up to speed on what we could be living next to in the future;
  • The City Council is expected to act on the RNA’s neighborhood rezoning plan in the first half of 2010, and a sizeable amount of community participation is crucial for making it happen;
  • If you (or your family, or your friends) have ever driven down NE 65th Street and wondered “What gonna be done with these boarded up shacks?!” THIS meeting should address those concerns.

For more information about this meeting, contact


  1. It’s not very helpful to insinuate that the meeting involves a lot of boarded up property. The zoning of a number of those properties is not being changed and therefore is a non-issue at this meeting. There are some changes on the south side of 65th, but not the north side. The majority of the proposed changes are along the Roosevelt corridor.

    • Well, I do see your point. And here are mine, just to share my reasoning:

      1. The portions of Roosevelt that are closest to Ravenna and are most visible are, unfortunately, those properties.
      2. Interest in what happens with those properties and that part of the neighborhood is STRONG. Invoking the name will help get people to the meeting.
      3. It’s the only picture I have of anything in Roosevelt.
      4. The picture was taken by a guy who has a blog solely dedicated to Roosevelt-Ravenna Zoning Issues and he’s much better at it than I am.

      So, I *may* have been a bit manipulative by using that photo, but I did think about why I wanted to use it ahead of time.

      Thanks for calling me on it, though. I really do appreciate your comments.

    • In response to your concerns, I have posted another story detailing the specific purposes of Monday’s Land Use meeting:


  1. […] posted yesterday about a meeting next Monday, November 15th, to discuss changes in zoning in the Roosevelt […]

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