Broadcast Coffee coming to Roosevelt this spring

Get ready for a triple shot of espresso in the heart of the Roosevelt neighborhood.

Broadcast Coffee (current locations in the Central District and Capitol Hill) broke the news via Twitter on Thursday that they’re opening their third location in the new Kavela Apartments building (NE 66th Street and Roosevelt Way NE).

This new location will be the third cafe near the busy intersection of NE 65th Street and Roosevelt Way NE — joining the “coffee haven for geeks” Wayward Coffeehouse and the Roosevelt Square Starbucks.

View The Coffee Triangle of Roosevelt in a larger map

They’re aiming for a March/April opening.

For more info on Broadcast Coffee and their offerings, check ’em out on Facebook and Twitter.


  1. I question the need for yet another coffee shop in this area. There is also a coffee shop between the gas station and the park and ride.

  2. I, for one, welcome our new coffee overlords.

  3. As a coffee snob, I’m happy.

    Wayward is fine for the foofy-ish drinks (foofy isn’t the right word…unsure what is,) but I’ve always thought their quality of beans could be better.

    Starbucks is… well, Starbucks.

    Bus Stop Espresso is fine for catching a drink on the way to the bus, but they close too early to be a ‘hangout’, and with their recent sale, who knows what will happen to them.

    Broadcast looks to have a nice batch of beans, an open space that will likely be open later than most places for those of us who like a place to sit after work and relax with a nice cup.

    As for the ‘need’, it actually fills the niche of a gourmet coffee shop. And, frankly, if the market supports it, then there obviously was a need for it.

  4. If they can get enough business, I’ll be happy. I’d rather buy my coffee from an independent place than a chain. Local business gets my money any day.

  5. Here’s an interesting map about Seattle’s independent coffee shops.
    Remember, it’s not a caffeine addiction if it supports local business!

    • Heck, unless you count the stand inside Whole Foods (I don’t,) they are all local businesses… (yes, Starbucks is bigger now, but, still, local)… and all but Starbucks are indies.

      Interestingly, neither of the current locals are on the map (also didn’t see Trabant down in the U-D, or any of the other non-chains there)

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  1. […] The third Broadcast storefront opened this week at NE 65th and Roosevelt. The new location joins Wayward Coffeehouse and the Roosevelt Square Starbucks on the growing coffee corner, the Ravenna Blog wrote. […]

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