Those lost during the shootings at Cafe Racer a year ago will be remembered and celebrated this Thursday, May 30 with music and friends and a great deal of Cafe Racer Love.
Cafe Racer’s Kurt Geissel told us that Orkestar Zirkonium will play a concert at the cafe (5828 Roosevelt Way NE) at 8 PM. An hour later, at 9 PM, Cafe Racer will close early, and everyone will walk over to Cowen Park.

Taken on May 31, 2012 at Cafe Racer.
Earlier in the month, the Seattle Weekly and the Seattle Times both published pieces about the shootings, now a year in the rearview mirror. Both, touching portraits of a gathered family hit by violence, but moving forward in love and community.
Seattle Weekly (May 7, 2013): Cafe Racer, Gun Violence, and the Power of Song
Following the shooting, [Racer Sessions] grappled with whether or not to hold the usual Sunday-night session. “Ultimately we decided that there’s no way in hell we’d cancel it,” says Icasiano. “On a Sunday night, there’s nothing we would rather be doing than hanging out and playing music at Racer. We just figured we do music, so we should do that to help.”
Seattle Times (May 11, 2013): A year later: Cafe Racer lives on.
“Knowing that so many people are there for you, it’s mind-boggling,” [Leonard Meuse] said. “Powerful.”
Moving forward? It’s simple, he said. But not easy. His advice:
“Love. Love more than you can. The more you love, the more you put out, the more it’s going to come in.”
Want to know more about Cafe Racer in general?’s Peter Bletcha published this essay on “Seattle’s Famously Quirky Dive” in October 2012.
Ravenna Blog posts about Cafe Racer from last year:
Shooting at Cafe Racer in Roosevelt (UPDATES) – May 30, 2012
Our post from the day of the shootings. Most recent updates were listed at the top of the post.
Cafe Racer community remembers, and celebrates (PHOTOS) – May 31, 2012
The night after the shootings, members of the Cafe Racer family met at the cafe to mourn together, and to remember their lost friends. And to make music together.
Video and impressions of Thursday night’s “Walk for Love” – June 1, 2012
Jens Wazel and Lucia Neare of Lucia Neare’s Theatrical Wonders organized a “Walk for Love” that started at Cowen Park and wound its way through the neighborhoods around Cafe Racer, before finally stopping at the cafe. Respects were paid at the houses of those killed who were locals as the walk proceeded. Participants carried bells that gently rang during the procession.
It was pointed out last week that British newspaper ‘The Guardian’ listed Cafe Racer in its list of top ten live music venues in Seattle. I was pleased also to see what wan’t mentioned.