Spring egg hunt is ON for Saturday at the RECC

Tomorrow, Saturday, April 7, grab a basket and head on over to the Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center (6535 Ravenna Ave NE) at 10 AM SHARP for the annual spring egg hunt. Twelve and unders only, please*.

A little birdie told us that there might be passes to Tot Gym and/or the Play Room in a few of those eggs — a treat that the parents of the younger egg hunters would certainly enjoy.

The weather looks to be at least mostly cooperating (forecast of partly cloudy), but it would be hard to beat last year’s bright blue skies and warm temps.

Here’s the movie we made of last year’s hunt:

*Any self-respecting teenager would still be in bed at 10 AM on a Saturday anyway, AMIRITE?

Eckstein Middle School is looking for tutors

Eckstein Middle School (3003 NE 75th St) is looking for some tutor volunteers to help students during school hours.

Eckstein Middle School is seeking volunteer tutors to work with students who need a little extra one-on-one support. You don’t need to be a “math whiz” or have special teaching skills to help a struggling student be more successful this year. As little as one hour a week of your time can make a real difference! Tutors are needed Monday through Friday between 7:50 am and 2:20 pm in all subjects.

Here are a few examples of current tutoring needs:

  • Work with a 7th grade student who has missed a lot of school and needs some help to get caught up on math skills (M or F, 7:50 – 8:45)
  • Work with an 8th grade student who needs one-on-one support in Language Arts
  • Help ELL (English Language Learning) students with reading and writing skills (W, Th or F, 8:50 – 9:25)
  • Provide classroom support in a 7th grade science class (W or F, 9:50 – 10:45)
  • Help an 8th grade student in beginning Japanese class (Any day, 9:50 – 10:45)
  • Support a 7th grade student with 7th grade math work (T or Th, 11:10 – 12:40)
  • Work with 7th grade students who are struggling with basic math skills (Any day, 1:25 – 2:20)

For more information or to volunteer, please contact Eckstein Volunteer Coordinator LauraLeigh Young at llyoung@seattleschools.org or 206-252-5012.

March Story Time Schedule for the Northeast Branch


The Seattle Public Library’s Northeast Branch (6801 35th Ave NE) Children’s Services Librarian, Erica Delavan, sent out the March Story Time schedule this week:

Toddler Story Time (Geared for ages 1-3)
Thursdays, March 1, 8, 22, 29 at 10:15 & 11:15 a.m.

Preschool Story Time (Geared for ages 3-5)
Tuesdays, March 6, 20, 27 at 10:30 a.m.

Pajamas & Puppets (All Ages)
Wednesday, March 21 at 7:00 p.m.

Time to apply for city-wide summer Seattle Parks & Recreation jobs

Click to see the whole 2012 Summer Recreation Employment brochure (571 KB PDF)

It may still be winter, according to the calendar, but Seattle Parks and Recreation is already looking for summer employees.

The 2012 Summer Recreation Employment brochure is out, and chock full of seasonal jobs, including:

  • Special Needs Youth Counselor
  • Boat Ramp Ranger
  • Lifeguard
  • Wading Pool Attendant
  • Day Camp Director, Counselor, and Jr. Counselor
  • and more!

Volunteer opportunities are also available (go to the Seattle Parks Volunteers homepage for more information).

All current Seattle Parks and Recreation employment opportunities are listed on the main City of Seattle employment homepage.

Family Walking Group starts at Magnuson Park this Thursday

Nursing students at the University of Washington are working with the American Heart Association this quarter, and bringing a Family Walking Group to Northeast Seattle.

The kickoff walk takes place this Thursday, February 23, at 2 PM (coinciding with Seattle Public School’s mid-winter break). Meeting place is Picnic Shelter #3 at Magnuson Park (7400 Sand Point Way NE; north side of soccer fields).

Sign up your family at the Magnuson Park Meetup page. You can find the day’s walking route map there as well.

Thank you to Jessica Fosse for sharing the event information with us.

February Story Time schedule for the Northeast Branch

Children’s Services Librarian Erica Delavan will be in schools (talking about the Global Reading Challenge) and on vacation for part of the month of February, so the Story Time dates are few:

Toddler Story Time (Geared for ages 1-3)
Thursdays, February 2, 9 at 10:15 & 11:15 a.m.

Preschool Story Time (Geared for ages 3-5)
Tuesdays, February 7, 28 at 10:30 a.m.

Pajamas & Puppets (All Ages)
Wednesday, February 15 at 7:00 p.m.

The Northeast Branch of the Seattle Public Library is located at 6801 35th Avenue NE, the same block as Wedgwood Top Pot Doughnuts (apropos of nothing).

January Story Time schedule for the Northeast Branch

Here are the Story Times for the month of January at the Northeast Branch (6801 35th Avenue NE), via an email from Erica, the Children’s Services Librarian:

Toddler Story Time

(Geared for ages 1-3)

Thursdays, January 5, 12, 19, 26 at 10:15 & 11:15 a.m.


Preschool Story Time

(Geared for ages 3-5)

Tuesdays, January 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 at 10:30 a.m.


Pajamas & Puppets

(All Ages)

Wednesday, January 18 at 7:00 p.m.


Ravenna Blog highly recommends the Pajamas and Puppets Story Time — especially if you can get Junior to go with your Significant Other and leave you at home (pro-tip).

Close out the year with some Northeast Branch Story Time

A snowy Northeast Branch in November 2010

Here’s the schedule for the last Story Times of 2011 at the Northeast Branch of the Seattle Public Library (6801 35th Ave NE):

Pajamas & Puppets
(All Ages)
Wednesday, December 21 at 7:00 p.m.

Preschool Story Time
(Geared for ages 3-5)
Tuesday, December 27 at 10:30 a.m.

Toddler Story Time
(Geared for ages 1-3)
Thursday, December 29 at 10:15 & 11:15 a.m.

After a try for an encore, The Shoe Zoo bids farewell again

We received the following email from “The Zoo Keeper,” owner Bruce Stern, this afternoon, saying that The Shoe Zoo (2920 NE Blakeley St # B) is closing:

Well, I certainly hoped I wouldn’t have to write this letter, but I must. I was optimistic when we gave it one more try last year. I thought maybe we could survive with everyone knowing how tough of a time we were having. I am afraid to say it was a mistake. I just prolonged the inevitable. I couldn’t have imagined it getting so much worse, but it did.

I want to thank you for your support, not only during this last year, but for the past 24 years as well. It’s been very special watching your kids grow up over the years, from fitting your children with their first pair of shoes, then, in a blink of an eye, outgrowing our store. I felt a little bit more special than just your average retail store owner, maybe because you treated me that way. And for that, a heartfelt thank you.

Now, I don’t want to get into too much detail, but after the going-out-of-business sale last year, I had to re-stock the entire store. Let’s just say, The Zoo Keeper really needs your help. I have to try and pay for all of these shoes. So please come in and take advantage of some great savings on your shoe and boot purchases.

Starting today, everything in the store will be 20% off. Everything must go, so if you see something that isn’t marked, please make an offer. I will be selling stockroom shelves, which are perfect for your garage, classic children’s movies, stuffed animals, pictures, equipment, tools, benches, and much more. Over the next few months, I will be sending out email notifications with updates and such. I really hope to see you, it would mean so much to me.

Thank You,
The Zoo Keeper

Here are links to our previous coverage of The Shoe Zoo’s rebirth (May 21, 2011), and the first closure sale (January 30, 2011).

Art abounds in Ravenna — Check out Thrive

In the past we’ve mentioned events and workshops at Roaring Mouse Creative Arts Studio (7526 20th Ave NE), such as this weekend’s Annual Holiday Open House. *hint, hint*

And now, in the spirit of supporting all things Ravenna, we plug the other art school in the area, Thrive Art School (6329 NE 65th St).

Thrive has a couple workshops coming up that you and your offspring might be interested in taking together:

Drawing Together – A special parent and child workshop; ages 5-9 with parents

Sunday, December 11, from 1-2 PM and 2:30-3:30 PM

Local Artist Workshop – Create your own artwork inspired by Clare Johnson’s whimsical ink drawings; ages 8 and up with parents

Sunday, December 11, from 2-4 PM

Thrive Art School is located above Cafe Da Pino on the corner of Ravenna Avenue and NE 65th Street. They also have a location on E Madison Street, across the street from Cafe Flora.