Four? Score! Happy birthday to us.

In August 2008, after six months of strolling an infant through the neighborhood, we decided to start the Ravenna Blog.

Four years later, and with the addition of one more staff member last October, we’re still here!

Since we started keeping track in June 2010, the Ravenna Blog has reached 61,226 unique visitors and served up 137,680 pageviews. (And that YouTube video of President Obama’s motorcade driving down NE 75th St in October 2010 has now been watched a mind-boggling 347,419 times).

And this post, this very post right here, is the 444th post.*

But this year on our birthday, instead of looking back at the biggest stories of the last year, we’d like to share with you our dreams for next year. They are three-fold:

  1. We’ll turn FIVE next year, and that deserves some kind of PARTY, don’t you think? You’re all invited, of course.
  2. Have you noticed, the Ravenna neighborhood doesn’t have a fair/art walk/bite of/festival? We need to change that. How about a family walk/run/ramble through the neighborhood? We’ve just begun to plot about it, here.
  3. We’re also thinking of putting together some kind of Ravenna Blog Pledge Drive Week, for neighbors who might like to contribute to the costs of running the site. (Tote bags would be involved, OF COURSE.)

More on all of that in the near future. STAY TUNED.

To close out this here birthday post, we’d just like to say: thank you for reading, thank you for commenting, thank you for sharing our site with your neighbors, and thank you sharing your stories with us.

See you around the neighborhood!


* Kind of a cool coincidence, all the fours. Unless you’re Chinese. *gulp*

My Green Lake evolves, says goodbye. We say THANK YOU.

Some bittersweet local neighborhood news to report today: My Green Lake, the local news website for the Green Lake neighborhood, has ceased regular operations.

The content on the site will remain, but no new stories are to be published. Readers and Green Lake neighbors are encouraged to check out the Seattle EveryBlock site to get their local happenings fix and connect with each other.

You can read about the site’s transition in the final post, here.

The old MGL on the left, and the new MGL on the right.

We here at Ravenna Blog have not only linked to MGL’s great info in the past, but have pestered sought local news blogging advice from publisher Amy Duncan on countless occasions. She has been endlessly helpful and encouraging. We will continue to consider her one of our Hyperlocal Gurus.

We are also thankful to MGL/Amy for helping us goad encourage Patty over in Roosevelt to start Roosiehood, the Roosevelt Neighborhood Blog.

Thank you, Amy, for your years of service to your community, raising the bar for hyperlocal reporting in Seattle, and for being a good friend.

Happy Spring!

Why plant crocuses when you can plant rhubarb?

At 10:14 PM PDT last night, the plane of the earth’s axis was parallel to the sun. Exciting stuff, no?

Okay, perhaps not. But it does mean that spring is HERE, with its longer days, stronger sunlight, and that blissful first day of warm weather in the early afternoon that makes you peel off your wool sweater for the first time since September. Ahhhhh.


Dear Reader, you may have noticed it has been rather quiet around here recently.

This was partially due to my finishing up the Ravenna-Bryant Community Association Spring 2012 Newsletter (I am on the Communications Committee).

But it was mostly due to the site getting hacked.

If you visited the Ravenna Blog at any time during the past few weeks and ended up elsewhere* instead, we sincerely apologize.

A vigorous bout of spring cleaning has purged the site of all the nefarious code, and things are now as they should be.

Happy spring, friends.


*Please don’t make me say where. We’re so embarrassed we could die as it is.

I Love Ravenna (OPEN THREAD)

Happy Valentine’s Day, neighborhood!

We’d love to hear what you love most about Ravenna, down in our comments section. Because we love to hear from you. (Also, because we’ve changed some settings in our comments section, and we’d really like you to give it a test drive.)

P.S. With the redesign, the comments link is now at the top of each post, just under the headline. xoxo

Happy New Year, and happy new Ravenna Blog!

Welcome to 2012!

And welcome to a redesigned Ravenna Blog!

Everything is still in pretty much the same place as it was in 2011, but with a more polished look…and TABS. Oh, how we have longed for those tabs.

There are also a few new features down the road — a community forum, for example — to look foward to a bit later in the new year. Keep an eye peeled for those.

All of these improvements are made possible by our sponsors, whose financial support helps pay for the technology (and the childcare) required. THANK YOU.

And YOU, dear neighbor. Thank you for visiting, thank you for reading, and thank you for sending in your questions and concerns. We hope you’ve resolved to do do more of the same in 2012.

Happy New Everything!

North Link Light Rail update post up at Roosiehood

We’re occasionally known to do a little writing for the site next door in Roosevelt, Roosiehood. Especially when it concerns that subject near and dear to all our hearts: North Link Light Rail*.

Head on over there now to read our latest update on the North Link Light Rail project, including Sound Transit’s potential plans for a new tunnel portal location between Roosevelt and Northgate Stations.

* Roosevelt does get the station, after all.

Say hello to new Ravenna Blog staff!

We apologize for the lag in posting lately. We’ve been adding to our staff in order to serve you, the Ravenna community, better.

This is Oskar Nelson, the newest addition to the Ravenna Blog staff. He was “hired” on Sunday, October 9.

Here he is with the publisher and the junior editor, at his first company meeting.

Everyone is doing well, although the junior editor is rather besotted with him and needs to be told to get back into his bed and stop helping already because the night shift is not his beat to cover.


Who says you GOTTA carve just pumpkins?

Upcoming post idea and comments


Two metablog topics for this post: one of which NEEDS your input, and one of which is ABOUT your input.

Ravenna’s Blogs

I’ve been slowly compiling a list of blogs written in/around the Ravenna area.  Most of them are listed in the Blogroll on the right side of the page (scroll down, scroll down). But I’d like to do a series of posts that promote them a little better than that.

If there are any local-to-Ravenna blogs that you follow, or even write yourself, and you would like to see them in a future “Ravenna’s Blogs” post, shoot me an email with the link(s).  The subject matter is incidental — it’s just nice to see what your neighbors are passionate about*.

Ravenna Blog’s Comments

I would LOVE to see more of you commenting on posts. And by more, I mean some. But I think the absence of comments is much more the blog’s fault than yours.

When I’m at someone else’s site and want to leave a comment, and I end up having to register at that specific site just to leave my one comment, I am about 100 times more likely to just say nothing and move on.

Unfortunately for me (and you), that’s exactly the comment system I’m using right now.

In the coming days, I’ll be playing around with different WordPress comment plugins to make post conversation easier. The one I’m likely to use is the one that My Green Lake and the Roosevelt Neighborhood Blog are using, which allows users to login with existing accounts (ex. facebook, twitter, Yahoo ID).

This switch-over may mean that old comments and logins are lost, but I think it will be worth it in the long run.

There’s also a new comment-inducing technique I’m going to start trying:

What do you think about the Ravenna Blog switching to a new comment plugin? Would an easier login system make you more likely to leave a comment on a blog post? Leave a comment below!


*So far, mostly food. SCORE.

OMG we’re TWO!

The Ravenna Blog is TWO years old!

Technically, this happened on August 8th, but I didn’t notice until today.  I have been spending most of my online time these days reading HyperlocalBlogger and migraine entries on medical sites (I believe those two are unrelated).

There have also been lapses and sputters in our coverage of Ravenna related events, so I don’t feel as thought it’s been a FULL two years of blogging, but celebrating the anniversary of the first post feels right.

There shan’t be a party, and NO GIFTS, PLEASE, but I have a few gifts (thanks) of my own to dole out (in no particular order):

  • THANKS to We [Heart] Food for finding us in the early days and making the blog’s first comment,
  • THANKS to Annie Price and Glenn Roberts for being our first interviewees,
  • THANKS to Amy, Susie, Hanna, Mai and PATTY for their hyper-hyperlocal support,
  • THANKS to the Roosevelt Neighborhood Association for their substantial online presence, and to Jim O’Halloran for his emails,
  • THANKS to those of you who have send in questions and topics for us to blog about (KEEP IT UP),
  • and thank YOU for reading this!


Some old, notable posts to peruse:

  • Welcome to the Ravenna Blog! (August 8, 2008) The first post!
  • You may now commence the fun. (September 9, 2008) Official dedication of the new playground at the Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center.
  • Neighborhood 911 (October 15, 2008) Fire at a multi-unit building. I’ve made the decision to not report on all the fire and police stuff that goes on (important stuff, yes, but not the kind of blog I’m going for here), but when you see a house ON FIRE a couple blocks from your house, you go check it out, right?
  • Ravenna: Now with twice the blogging (at least) (February 24, 2009) Ravenna Nation joins the hyperlocal blog community. RN ran on the Neighborlogs blog platform and was set up to be a much more open and collaborative way of blogging about the neighborhood. I wrote a bit for it, as did others. But, sadly, RN is no more. [The twitter feed is still around, frozen in time, and, creepily enough, the last tweets had to do with the blood found in Ravenna Park while Maurice Clemmons was still at large.]
  • The REAL Ravenna Blog – if only (August 25, 2009) Oh My God Seattle (now Berlin) wrote a hyperlocal blog parody, and used Ravenna as the neighborhood. I laughed and laughed.
  • Mission Statements (April 13, 2010) Mission statements for the blog as well as a good list of the local blogs ’round here that I follow (and you should, too).
  • Busy Weekend – Athletic Edition (April 29, 2010) Post about events around here and the UW (Friday Night Lights, Opening Day, Windermere Cup). Really, just an excuse to post that picture of the Elvis Boat the Bremerton Yacht Club made.
  • Twitter Feed Round-Up (May 22, 2010) The first. I do more tweeting than I thought I would (life with a toddler makes it easier to bang out 140 characters than blog posts), so these are my attempts to bring non-tweeters up to speed (with the least perishable tweets, anyway).
  • Restaurant Inspection Round-Up REDO (May 31, 2010) A retraction post, of sorts. Deciding to rank restaurants based on my faulty perception of how the King County scores said inspections caught Chris’ (We [Heart] Food) eye, and he called me on it. Never again!
  • June 9, 2010. My Green Lake and I badger a poor woman into starting a Roosevelt Neighborhood Blog. She hasn’t been the same since.
  • Low flyers in Bryant? (June 16, 2010) Karen in Bryant submitted a question about a low flying plane over her house, and I was able to answer it! Well, tell her who to call to report it, anyway.
  • Uniformed Help on the Viaduct Detour Route (June 17, 2010) First reader submitted picture and tip!
  • Yoga on the Patio: Interview with Annie Price of RTPB (June 30, 2010) First interview! Thanks again, Annie!
  • July 2010. Yeah, the whole month was notable, primarily for all the Sisleyville posts. Co-interviewed Glenn Roberts (with Roosiehood), co-posted a letter (with Roosiehood) for readers to send off to City Councilmembers, live-tweeted two City Council meetings…goodness.

Here’s to two more! At least. 🙂