Happy New Year, and happy new Ravenna Blog!

Welcome to 2012!

And welcome to a redesigned Ravenna Blog!

Everything is still in pretty much the same place as it was in 2011, but with a more polished look…and TABS. Oh, how we have longed for those tabs.

There are also a few new features down the road — a community forum, for example — to look foward to a bit later in the new year. Keep an eye peeled for those.

All of these improvements are made possible by our sponsors, whose financial support helps pay for the technology (and the childcare) required. THANK YOU.

And YOU, dear neighbor. Thank you for visiting, thank you for reading, and thank you for sending in your questions and concerns. We hope you’ve resolved to do do more of the same in 2012.

Happy New Everything!


  1. And Happy New Year to you, Rebecca. I enjoy getting my up-to-the-minute news from you, and from the Roosiehood and Green Lake bloggers. May success and happiness in 2012 come to us in many ways.

  2. Aw, thanks, Glenn. 🙂

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