Summer Parks and Recreation course registration starts Tuesday

Summer is really just around the corner, no matter what the recent weather has you believing.

Registration for Summer 2012 Seattle Parks and Recreation classes and camps begins tomorrow, Tuesday, May 22.

Click the image to download the Summer 2012 Seattle Parks and Recreation brochure for Northeast Seattle (4.7 MB PDF)

Course registration can be done either in-person at your local community center, or online with SPARC (Seattle Parks and Recreation Connection. However, camp registration SHOULD be done at the center where the camp is being held. There is paperwork that accompanies camp registration which each center needs on location.

The front desk at the Ravenna-Eckstein Community center is open Monday through Friday from 12:30 to 8:30 PM, and Saturdays from 9 AM to 2 PM.

Fall registration begins August 7.

Your Moment of Ravenna Zen: Falling cherry tree blossoms

In mid-May of last year, I happened to be at the playground at the Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center on a breezy sunny day. And every time the wind hit the blossoming cherry trees it would cause a cascade of petals to fall to the ground. It was so beautiful. So I took some pictures, and some video.

This week’s Moment of Ravenna Zen: Two minutes and thirty-eight seconds of falling cherry tree blossoms. (In the background you can hear the wind, children playing, a jet plane going by, and my son saying, “Look at all that snow!”)

Do YOU have a Moment of Ravenna Zen to share? Email, or use our handy dandy comment form to tell us about it.

Spring egg hunt is ON for Saturday at the RECC

Tomorrow, Saturday, April 7, grab a basket and head on over to the Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center (6535 Ravenna Ave NE) at 10 AM SHARP for the annual spring egg hunt. Twelve and unders only, please*.

A little birdie told us that there might be passes to Tot Gym and/or the Play Room in a few of those eggs — a treat that the parents of the younger egg hunters would certainly enjoy.

The weather looks to be at least mostly cooperating (forecast of partly cloudy), but it would be hard to beat last year’s bright blue skies and warm temps.

Here’s the movie we made of last year’s hunt:

*Any self-respecting teenager would still be in bed at 10 AM on a Saturday anyway, AMIRITE?

Ravenna-Bryant Community Association Spring Community Meeting tonight (LIVE COVERAGE)

Packed house for last year's RBCA Spring Community Meeting

This evening at 7 PM, the Ravenna-Bryant Community Association holds its Spring Community Meeting at the Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center (6535 Ravenna Ave NE), and it’s looking to be a good ‘un.

Speakers include:

Jim Diers: The original Director of the Department of Neighborhoods, and author of Neighbor Power: Building Community the Seattle Way. You can read Jim’s full bio on his website.

Seattle City Councilmember Sally Bagshaw: CM Bagshaw is currently the Chair of the Parks and Neighborhoods Committee, and will be speaking about Greenways. Read her bio on her Seattle City Council website.

Ravenna Blog will be there! If you cannot attend, follow our live coverage below, or come back and read our notes at your leisure.


Full disclosure: Ravenna Blog is on the RBCA’s Communications and Community Safety Committee. Our next meeting is Wednesday, April 18 at the Pied Piper Ale House (2404 NE 65th St), start time of 7 PM. You should join us.

Roosevelt Station project updates and meetings (Monday LIVE COVERAGE)

Lots of nearby North Link Light Rail news to report, including two open houses, building salvage, and fate of “overbuilding” at the Roosevelt Station.

Roosevelt Station Construction Open House

On Monday, March 26, Sound Transit staff will be hosting the Roosevelt Station Construction Open House at the Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center (6535 Ravenna Ave NE). The event goes from 6-8:30 PM, with the presentation portion starting at 6:30 PM.

Topics for the meeting include (via Sound Transit email):

Revised construction schedule
Construction noise and the night-time noise variance process
Updated street, sidewalk and parking restrictions
Potential construction mitigation measures

Ravenna Blog will be there covering the event. You can follow along at home on this page for live coverage, or come back later to read our notes at your leisure.

Roosevelt Station 60% Design Open House

On Wednesday, April 11, Sound Transit will be holding the Roosevelt Station 60% Design Open House in the Roosevelt High School Commons (1410 NE 66th St). Initial art concepts will also be presented (you may remember that the Meet the Artist event in January was canceled due to snow). This open house also runs from 6-8:30 PM, with the presentation starting at 6:30 PM.

One part of that 60% design that we will not be seeing is any “overbuilding” of the station itself.

Sound Transit Decision on Roosevelt Station “Overbuilding”

At their February 23 meeting, Sound Transit board members were “presented recent analysis of the technical, financial and housing capacity implications of accommodating residential structures directly above the future underground Roosevelt Station.” Benefits and costs to “overbuilding” were discussed, but the board ultimately confirmed that the design of Roosevelt Station should proceed without providing accommodations for overbuilding the station entrance.

Sound Transit Board meetings are archived here, should you want to watch the “overbuild” discussion (though the player may not work on your mobile device).

Station Site Salvaging Begins

In other North Link news, Sound Transit says that building salvaging is underway at both the Roosevelt and Brooklyn* Station sites (though a drive-by of the Roosevelt Station sign on Sunday showed that the neon Standard Radio sign was still in place).

Visit Sound Transit’s Flickr photostream to see pictures of current salvaging at the Brooklyn Station site, as well as happenings all along the Light Rail route.


*We’ll be calling the University District station “Brooklyn Station” as long as Sound Transit does.

DIY-apolooza: Sustainable NE Seattle’s Hands On skills fair returns

Sustainable NE Seattle’s second annual Hands On Community Skills Fair takes place on Saturday, February 11.

From the Hands On homepage:

People are recognizing the joy, satisfaction and security of being able to provide for our own needs, shifting from dependence on giant corporations to a healthy interdependence with our local community. Let’s re-learn the skills our grandparents knew!

Over twenty folks from our neighborhoods have stepped up to share skills such as food preservation, grafting, tool repair, and making clothes.

Skill workshops will be held from 11 AM-5 PM at both the Ravenna-Eckstein and Meadowbrook community centers (with vanpool available). A community potluck at Meadowbrook from 5:30-7:30 PM follows (bring a dish to share and your own utensils).

Workshop offerings include:

  • Simple Bike Repair
  • Basic Plumbing Repair
  • Fermentation
  • Basic Sushi Making
  • Basic Trauma Assessment and Splinting
  • Making Cheese I and II
  • Kid’s Realm (variety of quick, easy to learn skills appropriate for kids and teens)
  • and lots, lots more

A few of the workshops (such as Simple Bike Repair and the Kid’s Realm) are ongoing throughout the day, but most have a set time and registrant limit.

Hands On costs $15 in advance ($20 at the door) for as many workshops as you can fit into your schedule.

To register (through the Seattle Parks and Recreation Connection [SPARC] system), follow the instructions on the Hands On homepage.

Seattle Parks and Recreation Winter Brochure now available

The folks at the Meadowbrook Community Center were kind enough to alert us to the new Seattle Parks and Recreation Winter Brochure, available now.

This quarter, the Northeast edition includes the Laurelhurst, Magnuson, Meadowbrook, Northgate, and Ravenna-Eckstein community centers, plus the Meadowbrook Teen Life Center, Lifelong Recreation (for the Northeast only), and two pools, Meadowbrook and Helene Madison.

Click the happy couple in the snow below to download the brochure (8.4 MB PDF).