Girl on bicycle hit, injured by car while crossing NE 65th St (UPDATE)

UPDATE (Sunday, 7:25PM): She’s okay.

Michelle, the mother of the two girls, left a couple messages on the Ravenna Blog facebook page, and I share them with you here:

Hello, I am the mother of the little girl that was struck by the car on 65th while riding the bike. She is ok. Her name is Elle Grant and she was riding with her sister Bella. They were headed out for a bike ride around the block (70th) without me and decided it was too hot to wear helmets and took them off after leaving the house. The report Bella gave me was that they were in search for an adventure and somehow (a thought that makes my stomache turn) they decided to cross 65th. I heard the sirens and tried not to overreact. But then i started to panic, and as i headed for the door, Bella was running up the street screaming that her sister had been hit on 65th.

The long and short is that we had a long 24 hours at Harborview but Elle is ok. If anyone knows the driver, i would like to contact her. I feel so terrible for her. Thanks to all of you that helped my daughters yesterday. I am eternally in your debt. The truth is, there really are angels walking this earth and I am lucky to have had them so close to my children at our scariest hour.
Thank you.


Just after 11AM this morning, one of two girls on bikes crossing NE 65th St at 23rd Avenue NE was struck by a car headed west on NE 65th St.

View Accident location in a larger map

Patty Campbell, the editor of Roosiehood, and her fiancé, Dom, were at the Ravenna Varsity (2300 NE 65th St) when the accident occurred.

Here is their account of the accident (via text messages):

Driver was going west, 2 girls, about 6 and 8, were crossing 65th ON bikes at 23rd. We were at the Varsity having breakfast. Dom saw it happen.

Driver saw the older girl dart out and threw on brakes, but the little one went out in front of her sister and I think her tire got hit.

No helmets. Girl’s head hit the pavement. Blood. Screaming. We all went out and blocked traffic. There was a doctor there who helped.

They live […] fairly close, I assume. Older girl ran back to get mom.

As I was writing this post, Corinne left the following comment on the Ravenna Blog’s facebook page:

There was a car/bike collision on 65th and 23rd. Two little girls riding their bikes across the street and one of them got hit by a car. It looks like it was a pretty minor incident; the little girl and her family were taken to the hospital to get her checked out. I was really impressed with how everyone was doing their best to get the little girl help. What a horrible Saturday for everyone involved. All the EMT workers/cops etc kept saying ‘she’s going to be fine, she’s going to be just fine.’ I would love to hear how she is doing if anyone knows anything further.

At this time, I have no information on the condition of the injured girl. I have contacted the Public Information Officer at the Seattle Fire Department for more information and will update this post if/when I learn more.


  1. Douglasrs says:

    Hope the parents are being charge with neglect for not supervising thier minor children.

    • Redhotkitchen says:


      I think this would be my knee-jerk reaction if I had read about this little girl crossing 65th as well.  But, I happen to know this family very well and I assure you, these kids are very well loved.  Their mama is a wonderful person that would take a bullet for her children.  She is protective and loving and worrisome like all moms.  They are well fed, well educated and adored by all of their friends and family.  She gave the girls very clear directions about where they could and could not go and instructed them, of course, to wear their helmets.  Accidents happen and fortunately, this accident didn’t cost this little girl her life.  The family is heartbroken and scared and eternally grateful for all the support they received yesterday (based on a recent conversation).  

      Thanks for listening and thank you to the neighbors that were there to help in a time of need.

      -a fellow seattle mama

  2. So glad to hear the child is OK. What a relief for everybody involved. Another reason to keep it slow out there.

  3. Dear Douglars,
    It is unfortunate that you would take a time and situation like this to comment on other people parenting.  Are you close to the family?  Were you present at the incident?  Or are you just stopping by to express your 2 cents.  Do you honestly think charging parents with negelct would benefit this situation at all?  I’m pretty confident when I say it will not.  However, this is an open forum, you are allowed to your own opinions.  I just hope in the future you find a more appropriate time to express them.
    And by the way the correct spelling is “their”.

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