Like I said in the previous post, the Ravenna Eckstein Community Center Community Garden is a GO. Sod-busting should be happening as I speak, and a raised bed building work party is happening this Saturday.
I received an email this morning from the group who made this project come to life, and it includes descriptions of the work party this Saturday AND the project as a whole (bolded parts by moi):
After many months of planning and dreaming, we are finally ready to start work on the Ravenna Eckstein Community Center Community Garden!! We have permission to construct raised beds and a path, and we will be having the very first work party on Saturday May 8 from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. to get started. Please invite any and all to come down and lend a hand, even if only for an hour or two, or just stroll by and take a look at the garden taking shape! The garden site is at the north end of the little park behind the Community Center [6535 Ravenna Ave. NE], and it is quite a large space. We’ll provide bagels in the AM and Pizza in the PM for hungry workers. Bring a cordless drill and a shovel or wheelbarrow for moving dirt if you can, or just bring your work gloves and your imagination! Also, if you have extra bedding plants we may actually get to putting in some green stuff!!
On Thursday May 6 from 4:00 until 6:00 we’ll be cutting sod and getting ready for Saturday. Come down then if that time works best for you.
A community garden is different than a p-patch, since it is truly a shared endeavor. All of you who are interested in building a stronger sense of community, learning about sustainable gardening, or just enjoying a beautiful growing space to bring your families, please come and join us. We’ll be having work parties all summer, too, if you miss this one.
A HUGE Thank YOU to everyone at the Parks Department and especially to Trevor [Gregg] for all the work done to make this project a reality!
Debra Morrison
Hard work, sunshine, pizza, and a opportunity to share in future community-grown tomatoes? THAT’S a good Saturday.
[…] Saturday is shaping up to be a busy one, if you’re into gardens and parks. There’s the community garden work party at the Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center, you can Spring Into Bed all around the city, you can get […]