My Green Lake evolves, says goodbye. We say THANK YOU.

Some bittersweet local neighborhood news to report today: My Green Lake, the local news website for the Green Lake neighborhood, has ceased regular operations.

The content on the site will remain, but no new stories are to be published. Readers and Green Lake neighbors are encouraged to check out the Seattle EveryBlock site to get their local happenings fix and connect with each other.

You can read about the site’s transition in the final post, here.

The old MGL on the left, and the new MGL on the right.

We here at Ravenna Blog have not only linked to MGL’s great info in the past, but have pestered sought local news blogging advice from publisher Amy Duncan on countless occasions. She has been endlessly helpful and encouraging. We will continue to consider her one of our Hyperlocal Gurus.

We are also thankful to MGL/Amy for helping us goad encourage Patty over in Roosevelt to start Roosiehood, the Roosevelt Neighborhood Blog.

Thank you, Amy, for your years of service to your community, raising the bar for hyperlocal reporting in Seattle, and for being a good friend.


  1. Amy Duncan says:

    Rebecca!!!! Thank you! This means a lot to me — thank you, again.

    Keep up the great work here on Ravenna Blog!


  2. Roosevelt Dad says:

    I am SO bummed! MGL was one of my nightly visits, more so now that I have a child at the GL school.
    Hats off to Ms. Duncan for a job well done. Your blog will be missed.

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