NE Seattle daylight robber strikes again; victim unharmed (UPDATE)

On the Wedgwood Community Council Facebook page today, someone mentioned yet another daylight robbery had taken place. We called the North Precinct of the Seattle Police Department and learned that this was indeed true.

View Robberies by knifepoint in February (4) in a larger map

From Terrie Johnston at the North Precinct:

[A]t 2:45 pm today in the 7000 blk. of 35 Ave. NE an elderly developmentally disabled female was walking home from Safeway and the suspect ran up behind her and grabbed her purse from over her head. He then ran off eastbound. No weapon seen, no suspect located. Description of the suspect was white male, 20s, 5;8” and skinny.

No knife or other weapon seen this time, but the rest of the robbery sounds just like the others: Skinny, tall male comes up to older pedestrians from behind, during daylight hours, and takes off with personal belongings.

As we walked through the neighborhood while on the phone with Terrie, she gave us a lecture, and said, “Swivel your head like a great horned owl.” We advise all of you to do the same.

The description of the suspect (combining details from this and the first two attacks) is: White male, 20-30-years-old, 150-180 pounds, 5’8″ to 5’10” in height (described as being tall and skinny), seen wearing dark clothes that cover his head and face during the robberies.

All four attacks (February 14, TWO on the 20th, and 25) remain active and on-going investigations. Anyone with information about these incidents or who may know the identity or whereabouts of the suspect(s) is asked to call 911 or Seattle Police and refer to the appropriate incident. Anonymous tips are welcome.

Previously: Our post about the first two attacks. And the third. And safety tips on the Personal Safety page of the Seattle Police Department’s website.

UPDATE (Tuesday, February 26): KING 5 TV’s Chris Daniels visited the scene of Monday’s robbery on Monday night, and filed this report:


  1. Thanks for reporting this. Sigh.

  2. I really appreciate your coverage of this. I walk my dog by just about all of the spots this guy has hit daily. Hoping someone catches him!

  3. Holly Matter says:

    SPD at the NW corner of NE 70th and 12th investigating another purse-snatching that happened roughly 30 minutes ago. I counted at least 7 squad cars. Helicopter patrolling the area, too.

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