Ravenna Blog joins the Seattle Times Local News Partnership (updated)

Exciting news!

The Ravenna Blog has joined the Seattle Times Local News Partnership!

The announcement on the Seattle Times' site this morning (click to read)

Stories from this site will now be in regular rotation on the Seattle Times Local News Partners page and occasionally on the newspaper’s homepage (scroll down to the Local News Partners section).

All this exposure is great for the site, of course, but what do YOU get out of it? Here’s a small list:

  • The ability to publish photos from the Seattle Times when appropriate – like the one from the Seattle Sketcher, Gabriel Campanario, that was used in our interview with Harissa’s Walid Alabtan
  • The potential to work on collaborative projects – “Invisible Families” was one of these projects
  • Greater communication and coverage about local events and news in our area that may be of interest to a wider audience
  • Educational opportunities for yours truly to learn more about journalism, media, and the like, as an investment in the work the Ravenna Blog is already doing
  • and probably more!

Even though the Local News Partnership project has been around since August 2009, it is still evolving. I’m very pleased (and a bit proud) that we’ve been included in it (WE meaning you, too, dear reader), and look forward to the future of this partnership.

UPDATE: The Seattle Times Local News Partnership map has also been updated.

Click the map to see the full version at the Seattle Times

So happy to help fill out the coverage in Northeast Seattle.


  1. Congratulations! That’s very exciting, and great news!

  2. Ben Lukoff says:

    Cool. And they link directly to you, right, unlike the P-I, where they mirror your content?

  3. banjotron3000 says:

    Woo-hoo! Exciting news. Unfortunately, you’ll now get the inevitable influx of crazy right-wingers who will post comments (re: myballard).

  4. Congratulations! Does it mean that you can now pay for the bread, or butter? We appreciate you and your RESULTS, in any case.

    • Sadly, it’s not a money sort of partnership. BUT a next big step for the blog that I’ve been working on in my spare time (HA) is introducing local ads. You can see a couple of examples in the right column (the 140×140 pixel squares).

      There will be an “Advertise” page up soon with more information.

      However, feel free to contact me about it ahead of time, and I’ll give you the Early Adopter Discount. No, really!

  5. Roosevelt Dad says:

    Much congrats, but I hope this will not change the site’s attitude: Too many “respectable” publications/ sites, etc. mistake legitimacy with a kind of boring orthodoxy. Keep it quirky, sassy and fun, please!

  6. Welcome to the club, kid 😉

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