RBCA community meeting on crime/NE 75th Street (LIVE COVERAGE)

Our live coverage of the Ravenna-Bryant Community Association Spring Community Meeting will be posted below starting around 6:30 PM on Tuesday, April 2.

You may download the agenda here (62 KB Microsoft Word document). Or refer to the abridged version posted below:

7:00 PM:  Moment of silence (Lead by Virginia Gunby, RBCA Board Member, Transportation Committee Chair)

7:05: Welcome (Sarah Swanberg, Outgoing RBCA President)

March 25 vehicle/pedestrian double fatality collision on NE 75th Street

7:10: Traffic & pedestrian safety, DUI enforcement & prosecution

  • Seattle Police Department
    • Captain Robin Clark, North Precinct
    • Sergeant Don Smith and Officer Eric Michl
  • Seattle City Attorney’s Office
    • John Schochet, Deputy Chief of Staff
    • Rachel Cormier Anderson, Criminal Division Attorney
    • Jana Jorgensen, North Precinct Liaison

 7:30: Report from Harborview

  • Eileen Whalen, Executive Director, Harborview Medical Center
  • Dr. Beth Ebel, Director, Harborview Injury Prevention & Research Center

7:50: NE 75th Street improvements

  • Dongho Chang, Chief Traffic Engineer, Seattle Department of Transportation
  • Peter Hahn, Director of Transportation

 8:20: RBCA business

  • Sub-committees to address traffic, safety, DUI issues in Ravenna-Bryant
  • Election of RBCA officers

8:40: Q and A with local leaders

City Councilmember Tom Rasmussen
Rebecca Deehr, Mayor’s Office
Senator David Frockt


  1. Dear Rebecca,

    Thanks! I appreciate you taking time to write notes about the meeting tonight. I want some traffic calming and a stop sign by the school.

    So sad that we have to have these human sacrifices before we confront the car gods.


  2. Julia Cadieux says:

    Thanks for the thorough coverage of the meeting tonight. I wish the principal of Eckstein had spoken. I’m curious as to why there is not a greater presence of crossing guards during school hours. I think they could help a lot because they do effectively create a stop sign and stop the cars.

  3. What time will the bus curb be painted? After school closes or earlier? Thanks!

    • Looking at the school’s website (ecksteinms.seattleschools.org) , the students will be dismissed at 12:20 PM. I would guess any painting would happen after that.
      We live just down the hill from Eckstein, and will be heading out to look for paint action around 12:30.

    • It’s done! I missed it. I was so hoping to have a post titled, “Watching Paint Dry at Eckstein (LIVE COVERAGE).” Oh well.

  4. Hey, that’s the greatest! So with ll this brain power AWHFY?

  5. It’s great to find an expert who can explain things so well

  6. Hallelujah! I needed this-you’re my savior.

  7. At last, someone comes up with the “right” answer!

  8. I’m not easily impressed. . . but that’s impressing me! 🙂

  9. That’s not even 10 minutes well spent!

  10. You’ve captured this perfectly. Thanks for taking the time!

  11. That’s a shrewd answer to a tricky question

  12. Gee willikers, that’s such a great post!

  13. This info is the cat’s pajamas!


  1. […] Our LIVE COVERAGE of this event will be HERE (page will go live on the afternoon of April 2 prior to the meeting.) […]

  2. […] a summary of the meeting over at the Ravenna Blog where she live blogged during the […]

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