Roosevelt High School tackles online journalism and football playoffs

A couple of local high school items for you this morning.

The Roosevelt News

The Roosevelt News is the Roosevelt High School student newspaper. It is a class open to junior and seniors who have taken journalism and have been chosen by the class advisor to take part.

We’ve placed a link to The Roosevelt News homepage in our Community Ads section of the Ravenna Blog (to the right and down) for your convenience.

There’s also a Roosevelt News twitter feed (@Roosevelt_News) and Facebook page. And a hard copy paper edition that is distributed in the school to students.


Roosevelt High School Football

Rough Rider Football made it into the state playoffs for the first time since 1996, and the team takes on the Central Kitsap Cougars this Saturday, November 3, at Central Kitsap.

And while Kitsap County is lovely this time of year, it’s understandable that RHS Football fans may not make the trek out there for a 7 PM start time.

No worries: The Kitsap Sun will be live streaming the game.

On Saturday night, simply click the image above (or go to to watch the game.

Thank you to Kitsap Sun Editor David Nelson for the link.


  1. Richard Woltjer says:

    And what a game it was. Since Roosevelt HS hasn’t made it to the playoffs since 1996 and hasn’t advanced to State since 1980, this 10 to 7 win over Central Kitsap is an incredible success story for the long waiting Roughriders. Coach Matt Nelson and his team have broken a seemingly impossible barrier and done it with class. This game saw Roosevelt take a 10-0 advantage into half time. It wasn’t till late in the game that CK earned their first and only touchdown and point after.

    Rooevelt students, faculty, alumni and fans of every sort are on the bandwagon for Roosevelt’s next challenge. But for now, we’re all celebrating the tremendous success of our surging football program. Go Riders!

  2. That’s an apt answer to an interesting qsuetion

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