Roosevelt Station 60% Design Open House (LIVE COVERAGE)

This Wednesday, April 11 finds Sound Transit staff back in the Roosevelt High School Commons (1410 NE 66th St) for the Roosevelt Station 60% Design Open House. The open house runs from 6-8:30 PM, with the presentation portion starting at 6:30 PM.

A fun bonus to this particular Sound Transit open house is that the initial concepts for station art will also be revealed. (You may recall that the Meet the Artists event schedule for January 20 was postponed due to snow.)

The Roosevelt Neighborhood Blog has a good overview of the artists selected for the Roosevelt Station.

For those of you who can’t make the event (and/or want to read about it later), we will once again be providing LIVE COVERAGE: Just head on back to this very post to follow along live (and/or read about it later).


  1. Blake Hannaford says:

    How about some pictures? Does sound transit have any renderings you can post?

    • Rick, thank you for the comment. These spcaes provide a parking option for merchants and shoppers that come to Jackson Heights and want to park for periods of time longer than the traditional on-street meters. This frees up spcaes on 73rd Street and 27th Avenue for drivers wishing to park for shorter periods of time. We will investigate the street condition you discuss and will evaluate if additional markings/signage or delineators are necessary. We will continue to monitor the curb utilization and keep you posted on our findings.

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