Signs of Life at Osaka

No, I STILL don’t know what’s going in, but here’s a few pictures of what has gone (physically) ON the outside of Osaka:

Two lamps and a painted door!

Close-up of one of the lamps.


  1. CtheKnitter says:

    Last week, one of the tarps had fallen down from the window and I spied what looked like a tall wine rack. It was near where the counter used to be at the old Hot Lips. Hmmmm.

    • Hot Lips? I googled and found a pizza chain in Portland — and now I’m very hungry as their pies and own brand of sodas (!) looked delicious — but other than that, I don’t think I know what you mean. Can you elaborate?

      I suppose a “tall wine rack” is always a good sign, though.

      P.S. The fancy lights outside have been on the past couple nights. Very charming.

  2. CtheKnitter says:

    Yes, Hot Lips was a coffee house on that corner about five years ago. It lasted about a year. Then Osaka, which was next door, expanded and took over the space. I sometimes wonder if the expansion led to its downfall.

  3. Ooo, I would love a coffee house. Or a nice Mexican joint – we’ve almost got food from every nation represented in downtown Ravenna. I dig that.

    Muddy Waters – I love you, but sometimes I wanna sit.

    Thanks for your prying eyes, C. Keep it up.

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