Sitting around at home this weekend, wondering what to do with those 75 jars of green tomato relish you just canned?
Why not haul it to Maple Leaf, and turn it into raspberry jelly? Or knitting lessons? Or PIE?

I can neither confirm nor deny the presence of PIE -- this is just one of mine that I'm using to tempt you.
This Sunday, October 10, Sustainable NE Seattle is holding their Second Annual Barter Faire and Cider Pressing. It’s being held in the parking lot of Maple Leaf Lutheran Church (10005 32nd Ave NE; in the church’s basement if it rains) from 1-5pm.
From the event page:
Did your garden produce lots this year? Did you can or preserve the harvest from your garden? Come to the barter faire and trade what you have for what others have. Pies, baked goods, skills and other homemade non-cash items may also be traded. A cider press will be on site to juice apples or grapes.
Some background on the event from Sustainable NE Seattleite Joanne Kerr:
[T]he way this worked last year, people showed up and set up their tailgates or put out a small display on the ground of their wares then strolled around and looked for what others were doing or had and offered a trade. Meanwhile a cider press was there and if one had fruit to crush they could do so and put it into containers they supplied to take home. There will also be somethings that will be just handed out as samples for enjoyment while there.
Aren’t a crafty sort of person? Couldn’t even grow a dandelion, even if you tried? No problem. Skills and time are also barter-able items.
Contact Joanne Kerr (joannkerr [at] for more information.
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