House on the 900 block of NE 65th St which police currently have surrounded. Picture by Balanced Mama via twitter.
7:07 pm: The Seattle Police Department’s Blotter blog has been updated with a post about the “SWAT call out in North Seattle,” which includes the following good news:
“No shots were fired throughout the incident and nobody was injured.
“The suspect was booked into the King County Jail for Domestic Violence Threats.”
5:00 pm: Balanced Mama witnesses and KIRO 7 confirms that the female suspect is now in custody.
4:36 pm: Traffic update – NE 65th Street is closed from 9th Ave NE east, though to Roosevelt Way. Not sure of eastern closure point at this time. Roosevelt Way itself backed up. Avoid the area.
4:28 pm: Balanced Mama reports that the man who left the home earlier in the standoff is back and talking via bull horn to the female suspect inside.
3:40 pm: Amy at My Green Lake has a good picture of the house that the police have surrounded.
3:24 pm: Metro says “Blockage at NE 65 St and 9 Av NE in Ravenna [should read “Roosevelt”] is rerouting Metro Rts 48, 64, 73 & 76″ (via twitter)
3:20 pm: Amy of My Green Lake is on the scene and is updating a post on her site.
Roosiehood is also following the action and is posting updates here.
2:51 pm: A second Another SWAT team vehicle has arrived on scene.
2:12 pm: Balanced Mama reports hearing the police telling the woman barricaded in the house, “”We will listen to the letters. We will listen to the whole story. But we can’t do that if you don’t come out. We are not going to leave.”
1:50 pm: Balanced Mama takes a picture from her window of a school bus trying to get around a police car which has blocked off eastbound NE 65th Street.
1:45 pm: Seattle Crime reports that police have shut down NE 65th St between 9th Ave NE and Roosevelt Way. Negotiators and a SWAT team have been called in to deal with an apparent standoff situation.
A post on the Seattle Police Department’s Blotter blog is quoted, saying, in part:
“The suspect, reportedly an ex-girlfriend of the male victim, was tearing up the victim’s residence. At some point the suspect threatened to kill the victim. After the arrival of responding officers, the male victim came outside and is believed to be uninjured.
“The female suspect remains inside the residence and is believed to have access to firearms.  The residence is surrounded and officers are negotiating with the suspect in an attempt to gain her peaceful surrender.”
About 1:20 pm: I am driving eastbound on NE 65th Street when I notice a SPD car, lights on, blocking the turn from Roosevelt Way NE to westbound NE 65th St on the 900 block of NE 65th St.
Police have a residence on the 900 block of NE 65th Street surrounded after a domestic disturbance call came in at approximately 12:51 pm.
At this time, an armed female suspect is still in the residence. Police are attempting negotiations.
For more information on this activity, check the following links:
NE 65th Street across Roosevelt is CLOSED to traffic at this time. More roads in the area are sure to be affected.
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