Twitter Feed Round-Up for June 19

Why tweet when we could blog?  Well, a lot of this stuff just doesn’t warrant a full post (ex. Klingons in Ravenna Park).  And some of it are links to articles that we didn’t write (but you should read nonetheless). And some of these things are quite ephemeral and don’t keep well. AND, we shall admit, some of it is just us being wacky.

So, once again, for your reading pleasure, the notable tweets of the week:


  1. Personally, I think Klingons always deserve a full post…

  2. Personally, I think Klingons always deserve a full post…

  3. Well, true. But I only know one word of Klingon, and only verbally: “Yuch.”

    It means “chocolate.”

  4. Well, true. But I only know one word of Klingon, and only verbally: “Yuch.”

    It means “chocolate.”

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