University Village Microsoft Store opens this Thursday

Tomorrow, Thursday, October 20, the new University Village Microsoft Store (2624 NE University Village St) holds its grand opening, with more events spilling over into the following two days.


Opening week events include playing Kinect with newly-retired Kasey Keller and less-newly-retired Edgar Martinez, and rocking out in the parking lot to the musical stylings of The Black Keys and OneRepublic.

Here’s the schedule of events:

Thursday, October 20

9 AMĀ  Grand Opening Ceremony with Microsoft corporate vice president Rich Kaplan, and more than $1 million in software grants awarded to local organizations (based on how members of the local community voted on the Microsoft Store Facebook page).

9:30 AM Ribbon cutting and doors open

5 PM Play Kinect with Seattle Sounders and USA goalkeeping great Kasey Keller

7 PM Play Kinect with legendary Seattle Mariners slugger Edgar Martinez

Friday, October 21

7:00 PM The Black Keys perform

Saturday, October 22

2:30 PM OneRepublic performs

Tickets to both concerts are free, and available at the Grand Opening (while supplies last).

The University Village Microsoft Store is 1 of 14 for the company, and the 2nd for Washington state.

For a more in-depth look at the business of Microsoft Stores, see today’s article in the Seattle Times (“U-Village store fits Microsoft consumer strategy”).

We wish store manager (and Ravenna resident), Melinda George, a smooth and problem-free opening. And much less rain than the forecast is predicting.

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