Your Busy Weekend in Northeast Seattle: August 21-27

The forecast calls for temperatures in the low 80s through the weekend but cooling to the mid 70s next week.

FRIDAY, August 21

  • Family Day in the Children’s Garden AND Sumer Concert at Manguson Park 
    • ABOUT: Family Day events include hands-on activities for children (worm bin exploration, nature art sculptures, planting and harvesting, etc.), Master Gardeners available to answer home gardening questions, and child-friendly gardening activities (spreading wood chips, refilling bird baths, puddling ponds, watering plants, etc.). This Family Day is in conjunction with the last summer concert in the Magnuson Park Amphitheater, Caspar Babypants.
    • DETAILS: Magnuson Park Amphitheater (directly East of the Brig), 6344 NE 74th St. Family Day activities in the Children’s Garden begin at 6 PM. Concert begins at 6:30 PM. FREE.

SATURDAY, August 22

  • Titanoboa: Monster Snake! Exhibit Opens at the Burke Museum 
    • ABOUT: This traveling Smithsonian Exhibition explores the discovery of the 60-million-year-old remains of the world’s largest snake: a 48-foot, 2,500-pound predator. Enjoy samples of a special Full Tilt Ice Cream flavor inspired by Titanoboa from 10:30 am – 2:30 pm. Snake crafts and other activities will
    • DETAILS: The Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture, UW Campus at 17th Ave. NE and NE 45th St. Open daily, 10 AM-5 PM. Activities included with museum admission, $7.50-10.
  • Toronado 1st Anniversary Party
    • ABOUT: Toronado moved in down the street one year ago and is celebrating with 10-15 hard-to-find and “huge” beers on tap.
    • DETAILS: Toronado, 1205 NE 65th St. NOON.

THURSDAY, August 27

  • Children’s Hour at Scarecrow Video
    • ABOUT: In collaboration with the University Disctrict branch of the Seattle Public Library children will spend an hour reading a story, watching a video, and doing an activity. This weeks theme is “Insects.”
    • DETAILS: Scarecrow Video, 5030 Roosevelt Way. Thursdays through September 3rd. 11 AM. FREE.
  • The LAST Outdoor Movie at Magnuson Park of this summer: The Princess Bride 
    • ABOUT: Movies on a big screen, live entertainment, trivia, and food trucks on Thursdays evenings from July 9 – Aug. 27, 2015. Bring your own lawn chair or blanket and event is dog friendly.
    • DETAILS: Magnuson Park (grass athletic fields), 7400 Sand Point Way NE. Doors open at 7 PM, movie starts at dusk. $5 per person. Kids 5 and under are free.


  • 80 Days of Summer at the Burke Museum of Natural History
    • ABOUT: Summer activities planned around a weekly theme include a scavenger hunt, craft, and guess the content of a “mystery box.”  The theme for August 22-28 is “Snakes Week (Heads).” (Followed by, of course, “Tails” next week.)
    • DETAILS: The Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture, UW Campus at 17th Ave. NE and NE 45th St. Open daily, 10 AM-5 PM. Activities included with museum admission, $7.50-10.

Anything else to add? Garage sale? Fundraiser? Lemonade stand? Let us know in the comments, and we’ll add it to the post!

Want to promote an upcoming NE Seattle weekend happeningEmail us ahead of time, or use our online comment form to tell us about it.

We publish these Busy Weekend posts at noon on Thursdays.



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