Your Busy Weekend in Northeast Seattle, July 10-16

The forecast calls for temperatures in the upper 70s and some clouds this weekend.


  • 10th Annual Wedgwood Art Festival
    • ABOUT: The outdoor art festival features local arts and crafts, entertainmentfood, and children’s arts activities.
    • DETAILS: Our Lady of the Lake Parish and School, 3520 NE 89th St. Saturday and Sunday, 10 AM-5 PM. Entry is FREE.
  • Teen movie showing at the Seattle Public Library’s Northgate Branch: Beetlejuice
    • ABOUT: “Teens are invited to join us for popcorn and a screening of this Tim Burton ’80s classic.” – SPL Website. Free movies showing this summer at several library locations around Seattle.
    • DETAILS: Northgate Branch Meeting Room, 10548 Fifth Ave. N.E. 2-4 PM. FREE.

SUNDAY, July 12

  • 10th Annual Wedgwood Art Festival
    • DETAILS: See above.

MONDAY, July 13

  • Movie showing at the Seattle Public Library’s University Branch: An American in Paris
    • ABOUT: This is the final movie in Americans Abroad: A Globetrotting Film Series at the University Branch. Free movies showing at several library locations this summer around Seattle.
    • DETAILS: University Branch Meeting Room, 5009 Roosevelt Way NE. 6-8 PM. FREE.
  • Magic Monday at Ravenna Third Place Books
    • ABOUT: Magicians doing their thing on the second Monday of each month.
    • DETAILS: Ravenna Third Place Books, 6504 20th Ave NE. 7-8 PM. FREE.


  • University Village Sounds of Summer Concert: Eldridge Gravy & The Court Supreme
    • ABOUT: Music, beer garden, kids activities, and samples from U Village restaurants.
    • DETAILS: University Village parking lot. Wednesdays, July-August. Doors open at 5:45, show 6:30-8:30 PM. FREE.


  • Outdoor Movies at Magnuson ParkCrazy, Stupid, Love
    • ABOUT: Movies on a big screen, live entertainment, trivia, and food trucks on Thursdays evenings from July 9 – Aug. 27, 2015. Bring your own lawn chair or blanket and event is dog friendly.
    • DETAILS: Magnuson Park (grass athletic fields), 7400 Sand Point Way NE. Doors open at 7 PM, movie starts at dusk. $5 per person. Kids 5 and under are free.
  • Author Event at Ravenna Third Place Books: Judy Bower
  • STG presents Erased, Dani Tirrell & Color Lines Dance Ensemble
    • ABOUT: “Erased is a dance theater piece conceived and choreographed by Dani Tirrell in collaboration with Color Lines Dance Ensemble. Through movement, live singing, spoken word and video, Color Lines Dance Ensemble tackle issues of race, misogyny, colorism, hair, body image and the complex but rewarding relationships women of color share with each other.” – STG website. This performance is part of a series of free, all-ages summer events at The Neptune Theater, Night at the Neptune. See the full 2015 lineup here.
    • DETAILS: The Neptune Theater, 1303 NE 45th Street. Doors open at 6 PM, show at 7 PM. RSVP here. All-ages. FREE.


  • 80 Days of Summer at the Burke Museum of Natural History
    • ABOUT: Summer activities planned around a weekly theme include a scavenger hunt, craft, and guess the content of a “mystery box.”  The theme for July 11-17 is “Navigation Week.”
    • DETAILS: The Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture, UW Campus at 17th Ave. NE and NE 45th St. Open daily, 10 AM-5 PM. Activities included with museum admission, $7.50-10.

Anything else to add? Garage sale? Fundraiser? Lemonade stand? Let us know in the comments, and we’ll add it to the post!

Want to promote an upcoming NE Seattle weekend happeningEmail us ahead of time, or use our online comment form to tell us about it.

We publish these Busy Weekend posts at noon on Thursdays.



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