Your Busy Weekend in the Ravenna Neighborhood (updated)

Here is a smattering of events happening today (Saturday) and next week.

Saturday, October 1

  • Help out our neighborhood and its community organization by delivering copies of the Ravenna-Bryant Community Association’s Fall 2011 Newsletter to your part of the neighborhood. No delivery area too small. Please contact RBCA Land Use Committee Chair Andrew Miller for more information.
  • Ad partner UW Medicine is holding an open house at their new Ravenna Clinic location (4915 25th Ave NE #300) from 1-4 PM. Tour the new facilities, listen to and meet members of the UW Husky Marching Band (from 1-1:30 PM), meet UW mascot Harry the Husky (1-2 PM), enter to win gift certificates to University Village, and more. More information about this new UW Medicine primary care clinic and today’s open house can be found here.
  • Ravenna Community Garden hosts a Harvest celebration dinner this Saturday Oct. 1 from 5:30-7:00 PM at the Ravenna Eckstein Community Center (6535 Ravenna Ave NE). Pasta, salad bread and dessert on the menu. Donations happily accepted: $5.00 individual, $10.00 family.
  • Candy Cane Lane holds its annual yard sale (weather permitting) on Saturday, October 1, from 8AM-1PM, at 2132 Park Rd (the corner house at the bend on Ravenna Blvd, closest to the Ravenna playground and parking lot). It is a multi-family sale put together by the Candy Cane Lane families, and we use the proceeds to buy all the paint, plywood, lights, decorations, etc for the yearly holiday display, as well as to pay the electric bill to run the revolving carousel. This year we will have some furniture, including two children’s rolltop desks, some outdoor items, plus lots of toys, books, children’s clothing, baby items, kitchen items, and household goods such as lamps, curtains, rugs, etc. We never know what the neighbors bring out until the day of the sale, and every year we have some lovely treasures.

And into Next Week

  • Join other Eckstein Middle School parents at a gardening work party
    in the raised beds in the back courtyard every Monday and Wednesday from 9-10 AM (weather permitting). Please bring gloves and weeding tools if you have them. For more information or to make a donation please contact Gretchen Bauer at
  • Ravenna-Bryant Community Association’s fall community-wide meeting takes place next Tuesday night, October 4th, at the Ravenna Eckstein Community Center (6535 Ravenna Ave NE), from 7-9 PM. Agenda and more information available here.


    Local residents and business owners: Have an event going on for or in the greater Ravenna neighborhood that you’d like to share? The email inbox is always open for you:


  1. Tracey Sconyers says:

    A big thank you to everyone who came out to the Candy Cane Lane yard sale. We made enough to put us back in the black again, some of you got some wonderful deals, and the neighborhood kids made a killing on cookie sales (which they promptly donated to the CCL fund, all on their own.)  Thank you, everyone, and hope to see you this December!

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