In light of recent burglaries and car prowls in the Ravenna and Roosevelt Neighborhoods, and are co-hosting an evening with North Precinct Crime Prevention Coordinator Diane Horswill.
The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 16th, at the Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center (6535 Ravenna Avenue NE). Start time is 7:30 pm.
Come learn how you can start a block watch program on your own street, help prevent future crimes, and make our neighborhoods safer.
Anyone is welcome to attend, but seating is limited. Please RSVP so that we know how many people are coming.
If you are planning on attending the crime prevention meeting on November 16th, do not post your address on the blog when you RSVP. Any savvy burglar will look at the blog and know exactly which houses to break into!!
Another rather sick past-time of burglars, is to peruse the newspapers for death and funeral notices. It gives them excellent information about who will be out of the house on the day of a funeral. If you find yourself in this sad situation, please get a house-sitter while attending the funeral.
Don’t wish to scare-monger but please take care.
From: Another concerned neighbor.
Just to clear up any confusion there might be, no one needs to give us a physical address to RSVP for that meeting (just email, and on a different site). And we’re not sharing those with anybody either.But should anyone want to share a home address in the comments for any other reason, you could do it by nearest intersection. Or the way they appear in redacted form in police reports (6800 block of 18th Ave NE).Thanks for your concern, Jo.
We should be aware that burglars are successful because they work with people who knowingly buy the goods they steal.
One of the most extensive such fencing operations is described here:
A good reminder as to why one should keep track of serial numbers, I’d say.
Thanks for sharing the link.