Bike-to-School Day ride and rally at Bryant Elementary (UPDATES, VIDEO)

Wednesday, May 8 was Bike-to-School Day, and Bryant Elementary School students and family turned out in force.

Participating cyclists started their ride to school at the Wedgwood Top Pot Doughnuts, who provided morning treats. About 40 minutes later, and under Seattle Police escort, the group headed south on 35th Avenue NE toward Bryant Elementary (on NE 60th Street).

Once at school, everyone gathered on the playground for a rally and press conference. Speakers included:

    • Seattle Public Schools Superintendent Dr. José Banda
    • Seattle City Councilmember Sally Bagshaw
    • Seattle School Board President Kay Smith-Blum
    • Cascade Bicycle Club Education Director Julie Salathé
    • Bryant Elementary School Principal Kim Fox

And Ravenna Blog was there! Taking lots of pictures.


 View from the Top Pot driveway off NE 70th Street as families gathered.


Lesile Loper (AKA The Bike Fairy) in blue, next to Seattle Schools Superintendent Dr. José Banda in bright green. On the left in red is Michele Solis with her son, Linus (who I think had just taken a bite of a powdered sugar doughnut).


 Overflow bike parking at the Wedgwood Top Pot along 35th Avenue NE.


 This pink beauty was the first bike here this morning, as you can see in the tweet below:



Clint Loper (Walk.Bike.Schools co-founder, Seattle Bicycle Advisory Board member, father of Bryant and Eckstein Middle School students, and husband to The Bike Fairy) was handing out these smiley bike pins. (The eyes are the wheels, get it?)


A gaggle of bikers walks their rides through the crosswalk at NE 70th St and 35th Ave NE.


KOMO TV morning photographer Fred Veinfurt let a few kids check out his camera gear while he was on scene with reporter Kelly Koopmans. Here’s Fred and his “students” from another angle:



Many of the kid’s bikes were decorated. This one is even sporting a Seattle Children’s Bike to Work Month seat cover.


 GIRLS RULE indeed.


Another view from the NE 70th Street side of Top Pot, as the crowd swelled (in numbers and with doughnuts consumed).


Here, Clint Loper (in black, with the bullhorn) thanks Bike to Bryant attendees for coming, and Top Pot Doughnuts for supporting the cause.


Seattle Bike Blog‘s Tom Fucoloro (center) interviews Car Free Days‘ Anne King (right) while Robyn Ellis (behind the camera) records the conversation.


Members of the Seattle Police Department line 35th Avenue NE and look for the start of the ride.


The front row of riders get a briefing just before heading out onto 35th Avenue NE. Cascade Bicycle Club Education Director Julie Salathé is in the yellow jacket at right.

A *lot* of riders, no?! For contrast, here is the first Bike to Bryant Donut ride:


And they’re off! Banda and The Bike Fairy lead the way.


A number of Cascade Bicycle Club members were along for the ride, wearing red, white and black wool cycling shirts. The rider on the yellow bike here happens to be Kathy McCabe, Deputy Director of the Cascade Bicycle Club.


Cyclists of all ages and sizes, heading to school.


No worries: Her dad had the other wheel. (Two unicyclers in the family!)


 Cyclists fill the streets while the media lines the sidewalks.


The Seattle Bike Blog people-powered news van on its way to the rally.


Back of the pack. Clint, armed with his cowbell, is on the far left.


And Michele Solis and her moving sculpture-style ride brought up the rear.

The Cascade Bicycle Club has a video of the start of the ride, as well as a sped-up version of the route to school:


One the primary school peloton arrived at Bryant Elementary, everyone cruised around to the playground behind the school for the Bike to School Day rally.


Ready to ring, or tweet, at a moment’s notice.


 Bryant Elementary School Principal Kim Fox addresses her students.


Cascade Bicycle Club recorded Superintendent Banda’s speech, and you can view it below:


This is Brian Dougherty, the Safe Routes to School Coordinator with the Seattle Department of Transportation, dressed for the occasion.


Here, a KIRO TV photojournalist gets an exclusive with The Bike Fairy.


I took a picture of this balance bike, thinking it was an ancient family heirloom. Talking to the family that owns it revealed that the bike was only about two years old — it gets USED.


 Councilmember Sally Bagshaw spoke to the crowd as well.


And here’s Seattle School Board President Kay Smith-Blum speaking to the kids from the podium, the younger ladies literally hanging on her every word.


Shots from the PACKED bike racks behind Bryant.


Who doesn’t love a miniature vanity license plate?


Tim King of Bike Free Days tallied the kid’s bikes at the end of the ride:



UPDATE (Thursday, May 9): Here’s Q13FOX’s coverage of the event (not embedded here due to its autoplay feature).

And here is the video of the event that the Seattle Bike Blog put together. Includes an interview with Car Free Days’ Anne King:

And here’s KIRO TV’s coverage, including the video of the event once it reached Bryant Elementary:


  1. Excellent post! You captured all of it so well. So nice to finally meet you in person! Thanks for joining us.


  1. […] Bike-to-School Day ride and rally at Bryant Elementary (UPDATES) – Ravenna Blog […]

  2. […] on the bullhorn during Bike to School Day 2013. Photo by Rebecca Nelson at Ravenna Blog, used with […]

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