Everybody into the [wading] pool, before it closes!

It’s August, and Seattle summer is chugging right along: Lots of sun, temperatures consistently in the mid- to upper-70s…this time of year is why we live here.

So, naturally, the city’s wading pools are all preparing to close for the season.

Our region of the Seattle Parks and Recreation map (the Northeast) has two wading pools and two swimming beaches open during the summer. Here are their remaining days of use:

  • Dahl Playfield Wading Pool (7700 25th Ave NE): open August 14-16, noon – 7 PM
  • Magnuson Park Wading Pool (7400 Sand Point Way NE): open daily from noon – 6:30 PM through August 26
  • Magnuson Park Summer Beach (7400 Sand Point Way NE): open through August 26
  • Matthews Beach Park Summer Beach (9500 51st Ave NE): open through September 3

At this time, NE Seattle does not have any of the unstaffed sprayparks, which tend to stay open later in the season. However, Sarah (raintea on twitter) would like us to mention the brand new spraypark at Northacres Park (12718 1st Ave NE). It’s open daily from 11 AM – 8 PM through September 3. It is technically in Seattle Parks and Recreation’s NW geographic area, but when you and the kids are too hot, who cares.

You can find the full list of Seattle’s wading pools, sprayparks, summer beaches and pools and their schedules right here (280 KB PDF; comic sans).

Mini-craft fair at Boulevard Grocery

The reincarnated Boulevard Grocery (2007 NE Ravenna Blvd) is holding their second mini-craft fair this afternoon, Sunday, August 12, from noon-3 PM, in front of the store.

A selection of vegetable portrait postcards by Chavas Garden.

Some of the vendors and their wares include:

There will also be face painting for the young (and young-at-heart).

Another great opportunity to check out the little store, too, if you haven’t already!

Northgate Link Extension groundbreaking and celebration scheduled for August 17

Fresh from our inbox to you, the details on Sound Transit’s Northgate Link Extension (formerly known as North Link) groundbreaking and community celebration happening on Friday, August 17:

You’re a big part of this project and we hope you can join us for a family-fun celebration to commemorate this historic milestone!

  • Ceremonial groundbreaking
  • Live music music by Roosevelt High School Jazz, Nu Klezmer Army, the Illicit Jug Cartel and the Rolling Retreads
  • Face painter, balloon artist and train-themed bouncy house for the kids
  • Link train photo booth – bring your camera or camera phone
  • Zap Gridlock, Sound Transit’s traffic fighting superhero
  • Project information booths – learn the latest on the station designs, public art, bicycle parking and access, current Sound Transit service and more

The groundbreaking ceremony is scheduled for 3:30-4:30 PM, with the celebration portion going until 7:30 PM.

And just where will the event be taking place?

At the Former QFC site at NE 66th Street and Roosevelt Way NE.

You are encouraged to “bike, walk or take transit to the event. Bike racks will be available. The Roosevelt neighborhood is well-served by local transit with several bus routes in the immediate area.”

Fall Parks and Recreation brochure for NE Seattle now available online

Registration starts Tuesday, August 7. Get to perusing!

Click the image to start downloading the brochure (2.9 MB PDF).

The community centers and pools in the Northeast Region are Laurelhurst, Magnuson, Meadowbrook (and its Teen Life Center), Northgate, Ravenna-Eckstein, Meadowbrook Pool and the Helene Madison Pool.

July Story Time schedule for the Northeast Branch (plus library history) UPDATE

Here is your Northeast Branch (6801 35th Ave NE) Story Time schedule, courtesy the Children’s Services Librarian, Erica Delavan:

Toddler Story Time
(Geared for ages 1-3)

Thursdays, July 5, 12, 19 at 10:15 & 11:15 a.m.
(No story time July 26)

Preschool Story Time
(Geared for ages 3-5)

Tuesdays, July 3, 10, 17 at 10:30 a.m.
(No story time July 24 or 31)
Pajamas & Puppets
(All Ages)
Wednesday, July 18 at 7:00 p.m.

And since we’re on the topic of libraries, did you know that the Northeast Branch started as a humble deposit station at 6259 33rd Ave NE in December of 1945? And that the building at the library’s current location was designed by the primary planner and principal architect of the Seattle World’s Fair?

Read all about it (and see some pictures of the older incarnations) at HistoryLink.org (“North East Branch, The Seattle Public Library”).

Fellow local site and Seattle Times Local News Partner, the Montlaker, sent us the link to the Pacific Coast Architecture Database listing for Paul Thiry, the aformentioned designer of the Northeast Branch building. Over his lifetime, Thiry designed 55 structures, including the Frye Art Museum, the Washington State Library in Olympia, and, for the World’s Fair, the Washington State Coliseum (now Key Arena).

June Story Time schedule for the Northeast Branch

With all that liquid sunshine coming down outside, surely you and your little one(s) need some indoor fun.

With that depressing realization in mind, here’s the June Story Time schedule for the Northeast Branch (6801 35th Ave NE), courtesy the Children’s Services Librarian, Erica Delavan:

Toddler Story Time (Geared for ages 1-3)
Thursdays, June 14, 21, 28 at 10:15 & 11:15 a.m.

Preschool Story Time (Geared for ages 3-5)
Tuesdays, June 12, 19, 26 at 10:30 a.m.

Pajamas & Puppets (All Ages)
Wednesday, June 20 at 7:00 p.m.

Furthermore, the Summer Reading Program has begun, and as of noon on Friday, June 8, had 575 kids signed up. When 10 books have been read, enrollees can choose a book from the Prize Book Cabinet AND a pass for four kids and two adults to visit the Burke Museum (good between July 1 and August 31. Read more about the Children’s Summer Reading Program here.

BUT WAIT — there’s MORE.

There is a Summer Reading Program for adults as well. For every three books you read and review (online, in the Seattle Public Library’s system), you are entered to win a free Kindle.


Teens can partake of the fun as well. Here’s more information on the Summer Reading Program for Teens, for those of us aged 13-18 years.

University Village announces summer concert series line-up

University Village announced today the line-up for their 2012 Sounds of Summer Concert Series.

The concerts will take place on six consecutive Wednesday nights, from 6 to 8 PM, starting July 11*. In addition, on August 1, Caspar Babypants will perform a kids’ concert at 5 PM.

The 2012 Sounds of Summer Concert Series line-up features:

July 11 – Hit Explosion    

July 18 – The Dusty 45s     

July 25 – LeRoy Bell & His Only Friends  

August 1 – Clinton Fearon & The Boogie Brown Band

Kid’s concert at 5:00 p.m. – Caspar Babypants, featuring Chris Ballew from The Presidents of The United States of America

August 8 – Special Guest Appearance  

August 15 – The Paperboys

In addition to their favorite bands, concert-goers look forward to gourmet bites from University Village restaurants, the lively beer garden and fun children’s activities in the Land of Nod Play Area.

The University Village Sounds of Summer Concert Series is presented by UW Neighborhood Clinics (a Ravenna Blog sponsor), with major support from Bob Byers Volvo (also a Ravenna Blog sponsor), the Ram Restaurant and Brewery, The Land of Nod, and KLCK-FM Click 98.9.

A U Village spokesperson tells us that “[w]hile the name, format and location have changed throughout the years, there has been some form of outdoor summer concerts at U Village for more than 15 years.”


*Summer should have started by then. We hope.

Summer Parks and Recreation course registration starts Tuesday

Summer is really just around the corner, no matter what the recent weather has you believing.

Registration for Summer 2012 Seattle Parks and Recreation classes and camps begins tomorrow, Tuesday, May 22.

Click the image to download the Summer 2012 Seattle Parks and Recreation brochure for Northeast Seattle (4.7 MB PDF)

Course registration can be done either in-person at your local community center, or online with SPARC (Seattle Parks and Recreation Connection. However, camp registration SHOULD be done at the center where the camp is being held. There is paperwork that accompanies camp registration which each center needs on location.

The front desk at the Ravenna-Eckstein Community center is open Monday through Friday from 12:30 to 8:30 PM, and Saturdays from 9 AM to 2 PM.

Fall registration begins August 7.

Your Moment of Ravenna Zen: Falling cherry tree blossoms

In mid-May of last year, I happened to be at the playground at the Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center on a breezy sunny day. And every time the wind hit the blossoming cherry trees it would cause a cascade of petals to fall to the ground. It was so beautiful. So I took some pictures, and some video.

This week’s Moment of Ravenna Zen: Two minutes and thirty-eight seconds of falling cherry tree blossoms. (In the background you can hear the wind, children playing, a jet plane going by, and my son saying, “Look at all that snow!”)

Do YOU have a Moment of Ravenna Zen to share? Email rebecca@ravennablog.com, or use our handy dandy comment form to tell us about it.

Enjoy Story Time this week in your PJs, or with seeds, or both!

Story Times at the Northeast Library (6801 35th Ave NE) are back on their regular weekday schedule the first week of May, but there is a Pajamas and Puppets this Wednesday, April 25, from 7-7:30 PM.

And if you’re looking for a weekend story time to take your sprout(s) to, you may want to check out the Miller Library at the University of Washington Botanic Gardens (3501 NE 41st St) this Saturday, April 28. The library holds a monthly story time with activities for kids age 3-8 years and their families. The program runs from 10:30-11:15 AM.

Here’s a description:

Amazing Seeds Story Program

This is a story program that starts small and grows into something amazing! Before the stories, join us in the program room to make a seed mosaic.

PLANT SECRETS by Emily Goodman

Information on upcoming Story Times at the Miller Library can be found here.