OM NOM: Art of Pancakes Fundraiser this Saturday

Every weekend is a good one for rolling out of bed late and cooking up some pancakes* for breakfast. But not every weekend can you cook them up at the Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center in an art competition!

On Saturday, November 19, the RECC is holding its annual Art of Pancakes Fundraiser for the Ravenna Community Garden.

Details from the event page:

Please join us during a wacky pancake art competition benefitting the Ravenna-Eckstein Community Garden! Enjoy a pancake breakfast that includes toppings, bacon, and beverages. Decorate a pancake for the “Wall o’ Art”.

The cost is three dollars per person. Pretty good deal for breakfast in the neighborhood.

Now, should you want to practice your Pancake Art skills before Saturday, we recommend you check out the Jim’s Pancakes website.

Here’s a time lapse video of a Millennium Falcon pancake in production:


*See also: Hash browns, bacon, eggs, toast, coffee, etc. Am I missing anything?


  1. I love this guy’s creativity. I especially like the little diapered person waddling around in the background. 🙂

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