From L to R: Map of Sound Transit's current service and future projects, stickers from the campaign to bring Light Rail INTO the Roosevelt neighborhood, and information on the Roosevelt Station
A crowd of around 150 people attended last night’s Roosevelt Station design open house at the Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center (6535 Ravenna Ave NE), where Sound Transit staff presented the 30% completion designs for the structure and were on hand to answer questions.
Missed the meeting, and would like the next best thing? I recommend viewing the Roosevelt 30 Percent Design Presentation while listening to the Part 1 audio. The rest of the documents, graphics, and audio from the meeting can be found below.
A 30-minute informal open house-style period was followed by a presentation (which included a question and answer time).
- Roosevelt Station 30% Design Open House audio, Part 1 (33.6 MB mp3): The presentation portion of the audio; featuring Ron Endlich, North Link Deputy Project Director; Kristin Hoffman, Station Project Manager; David Hewitt, Station Architect; and Barbara Luecke, STart Program Manager
- Roosevelt Station 30% Design Open House audio, Part 2 (35.6 MB mp3): The question and answer portion of the audio; Ron Endlich answers questions from the audience (questions inaudible but repeated by Endlich)
The presentation portion will be made available by Sound Transit (in PDF form), and are also found on the North Link Documents Library page.
- Roosevelt 30 Percent Design Presentation (1.6 MB PDF): The graphics from presentation portion of the meeting.
- Sound Transit Roosevelt Station Concept Plan (3.7 MB PDF; via Seattle Transit Blog): Architectural plans for the station and its various levels, as well as views of the station’s exterior (from the current 30% design completion point)
Future meetings about the station will include open houses at both 60% and 90% completion of the design. There will also be a meeting to outline how the construction phase will take place (this fall), and a separate meeting for those people whose property will be tunneled under as construction proceeds (once the tunnel route has been set, also this fall).

Graphic showing the footprint of Roosevelt Station (orange) and two parcels to be used during construction to be open to development when construction is completed (yellow).
Puget Sound transit guru Atomic Taco (his internet handle) was in the audience, live tweeting the more major points during the meeting. (You can visit his Flickr site here.) While the audio recording above and the presentation docs to follow will be useful to those who missed last night’s meeting, Atomic Taco’s and my tweets are also worth a read (and are much easier to skim through).
What follows is a selection of our tweets during the meeting. (At the bottom of the window, hit the “Load more…” link to continue reading.)
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