In case you didn’t know, in case the Ravenna Blog is your ONLY source of news — we’re flattered, certainly, but we DON’T recommend it — ALL branches of the Seattle Public library are CLOSED next week.
There is a big ol’ list of SPL services that won’t work during the furlough (see above link for details), and many other news sources have listed them. The Ravenna Blog shall not. We prefer to think positively about these things.
THUS, here are the Seattle Public Library services that WILL work during the closure:
- The online catalog! But you can’t place holds.
- “My Account” information! See your fines, use the week off to find cash to pay them.
- Calendar of Events!
- SPL Mobile! The library system’s mobile phone app.
- Databases! Who doesn’t enjoy a romp through Consumer Reports?!
- Downloadable media! Got an e-reader of some sort? You may not even notice there’s a furlough happening.
- Digital collections! Photos from AYP, historical Seattle, and the like.
- Library BLOGS! Specifically “Push to Talk” for teens and “Shelf Talk” for adults.
- Library podcasts!
There you are! Your list of CAN DO for the furlough week. If you need anything else, you’ve got through Sunday, August 29.
I'd wager the parking here still works, too.
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