North Link Light Rail update post up at Roosiehood

We’re occasionally known to do a little writing for the site next door in Roosevelt, Roosiehood. Especially when it concerns that subject near and dear to all our hearts: North Link Light Rail*.

Head on over there now to read our latest update on the North Link Light Rail project, including Sound Transit’s potential plans for a new tunnel portal location between Roosevelt and Northgate Stations.

* Roosevelt does get the station, after all.

See the future of North Link Light Rail construction, today!

Two really fun parts of the latest North Link Light Rail construction open houses for the Roosevelt and Brooklyn Stations are now available for viewing online: Illustrations of the construction sites themselves.


These animations, and the presentations they were a part of, can be found on Sound Transit’s North Link Documents Library page.

Roosevelt Station Construction Open House Presentation

And now Part 2 to our Roosevelt Station Construction Open House coverage: The presentation slides themselves!

Click the Light Rail train above to view the presentation (3.6 MB PDF).

Highlights include information such as:

  • A 24-hour construction hotline number, manned by an actual person!
  • An open-to-the-public plant salvage event in early 2012 on the site of the townhouses.
  • Information on noise mitigation and lighting.
  • Probable routes for trucks entering and leaving the site.
  • Timelines for the whole project, and the next steps in the coming year.

There was also an animation of the construction site in the presentation and playing on a loop on a laptop among the open house information materials. While it is missing from the presentation above (but will be available later on the North Link Project website, here is a static glimpse of what it looks like:

If after reading over the presentation you have questions, the last slide includes contact information.

Around 100 people attended the Roosevelt Station Construction Open House on Thursday, November 3 at Roosevelt High School.

You can still access our Roosevelt Station Construction Open House Coverage: Part 1 (the live blog) here.

Roosevelt Station Construction Open House on Thursday, November 3 (archived live blog)

UPDATE (after the meeting): My live blogged session has now been archived for your reading pleasure. I will upload more information from the presentation when it becomes available from Sound Transit.

Roosevelt Station Construction Open House (11/03/2011)
Ravenna Blog:


Thursday November 3, 2011 6:06 Ravenna Blog
Ravenna Blog:

[Any long pauses you can chalk up to “Baby Issues.”]

Thursday November 3, 2011 6:17 Ravenna Blog
Ravenna Blog:

I would guesstimate about 60+ people here so far, taking in the open house portion. Large poster boards up around the perimeter, outlining the construction areas, affected parts of the neighborhood, etc. Pictures later.

Thursday November 3, 2011 6:22 Ravenna Blog
Ravenna Blog:

Presentation starts at 6:30. Sound Transit generally makes the presentation slides available within a few days of the event.

Thursday November 3, 2011 6:30 Ravenna Blog
Ravenna Blog:

Ooo! There are paper craft light rail trains!

Thursday November 3, 2011 6:31 Ravenna Blog
Ravenna Blog:

North Link Deputy Project Director Ron Endlich is starting off the presentation portion now.

Thursday November 3, 2011 6:33 Ravenna Blog
Ravenna Blog:

After Intro is Roosevelt Station Construction info, then Next Steps, Q&A, and back to Open House.

Thursday November 3, 2011 6:35 Ravenna Blog
Ravenna Blog:

Overview of the whole system now. I’ll be sticking to the Roosevelt-specific info.

Thursday November 3, 2011 6:36 Ravenna Blog

Live blogging the Roosevelt Station Construction meeting. Follow along at [via Twitter]

Thursday November 3, 2011 6:41 RavennaBlog
Ravenna Blog:

Excavation to start in early 2013. There will be a 24-hour construction hotline, manned by an actual person, for answering questions.

Thursday November 3, 2011 6:43 Ravenna Blog
Ravenna Blog:

Mid-2012 will see the start of demolition, and the beginning of the onslaught of trucks into the neighborhood.

Thursday November 3, 2011 6:46 Ravenna Blog
Ravenna Blog:

Excavation and tunneling from 2013-2017. Some parking lost on 66th and 67th, some sidewalks to be closed.

Thursday November 3, 2011 6:48 Ravenna Blog
Ravenna Blog:

If you’d like a real world example of what the construction site will look like, head up to the Capitoll Hill Station site. Wall will be very similar.

Thursday November 3, 2011 6:50 Ravenna Blog
Ravenna Blog:

There will be night work, and a variance will need to be granted. Another construction meeting to follow with more specifics.

Thursday November 3, 2011 6:52 Ravenna Blog
Ravenna Blog:

Routes that the trucks will take to and from the construction site will depend on whether the trucks will be heading north or south from the site.

Thursday November 3, 2011 6:55 Ravenna Blog
Ravenna Blog:

Parking, sidewalks and streets near the site will remain affected during station construction (post-tunnel boring).

Thursday November 3, 2011 6:58 Ravenna Blog
Ravenna Blog:

Q&A time now. (There’s LOTS more to the presentation, but the presenter was speedy. I’ll be sure to hunt down the slides later for you.)

Thursday November 3, 2011 7:01 Ravenna Blog
Ravenna Blog:

12th Ave NE will remain open during construction, but the parking lane on the west side will be taken for construction/truck traffic.

Thursday November 3, 2011 7:03 Ravenna Blog
Ravenna Blog:

Good ? about repairs to roads affected by the toll of heavy truck use. Sound Transit will be the one to repair, should streets need it. Would work with SDOT.

Thursday November 3, 2011 7:05 Ravenna Blog

No meeting, however seemingly mundane of a topic, is ever boring in Roosevelt. [via Twitter]

Thursday November 3, 2011 7:05 brucenourish
Ravenna Blog:

Yes, parking will be affected, but workers will be parking off-site. So, that will help. Some.

Thursday November 3, 2011 7:08 Ravenna Blog
Ravenna Blog:

Parking at the station question. No, no additional parking for the station. Idea is to walk to the stations or use transit. Residential Parking Zones could be created/expanded.

Thursday November 3, 2011 7:11 Ravenna Blog

Petitioner wants ST to attempt to save some “sacred” trees that ST has already determined cannot be transplanted. [via Twitter]

Thursday November 3, 2011 7:11 brucenourish
Ravenna Blog:

QFC sounds like they’ll be closing in January. Staff will be relocated to other stores, but the store itself will NOT be relocated.

Thursday November 3, 2011 7:21 Ravenna Blog
Ravenna Blog:

The excavation and tunneling portion of construction s a 24/7 affair. 12 trucks per hour is the estimate. And as I understand it from an earlier meeting, that would be dump trucks with trailers (doubles).

Thursday November 3, 2011 7:24 Ravenna Blog
Ravenna Blog:

Worry about property values dropping during construction. Thought is gain after completion would outweigh.

Thursday November 3, 2011 7:26 Ravenna Blog
Ravenna Blog:

7 months to excavate the station. 20 months to tunnel (to the stadium, I believe).

Thursday November 3, 2011 7:27 Ravenna Blog
Ravenna Blog:

About 100 people here, by the way.

Thursday November 3, 2011 7:30 Ravenna Blog
Ravenna Blog:

40-50 feet a day is the speed of the boring machines. That’s where the 20 months comes from.

Thursday November 3, 2011 7:32 Ravenna Blog
Ravenna Blog:

230 tunnel easements for North Link total.

Thursday November 3, 2011 7:32 Ravenna Blog
Ravenna Blog:

Exact route of the North Link tunnels not yet known, but current mapped route is within a half a block of the final, says Ron.

Thursday November 3, 2011 7:34 Ravenna Blog
Ravenna Blog:

Ooo, some rage against the machines that have no luggage racks. (The trains don’t have them.)

Thursday November 3, 2011 7:37 Ravenna Blog
Ravenna Blog:

And now back to the open house portion. And, hey! Peaks is handing out free cone coupons!

Thursday November 3, 2011 7:40 Ravenna Blog

Roosevelt Station 30% Design Open House (audio and documents included)


From L to R: Map of Sound Transit's current service and future projects, stickers from the campaign to bring Light Rail INTO the Roosevelt neighborhood, and information on the Roosevelt Station

A crowd of around 150 people attended last night’s Roosevelt Station design open house at the Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center (6535 Ravenna Ave NE), where Sound Transit staff presented the 30% completion designs for the structure and were on hand to answer questions.

Missed the meeting, and would like the next best thing? I recommend viewing the Roosevelt 30 Percent Design Presentation while listening to the Part 1 audio. The rest of the documents, graphics, and audio from the meeting can be found below.


A 30-minute informal open house-style period was followed by a presentation (which included a question and answer time).

The presentation portion will be made available by Sound Transit (in PDF form), and are also found on the North Link Documents Library page.

Future meetings about the station will include open houses at both 60% and 90% completion of the design. There will also be a meeting to outline how the construction phase will take place (this fall), and a separate meeting for those people whose property will be tunneled under as construction proceeds (once the tunnel route has been set, also this fall).


Graphic showing the footprint of Roosevelt Station (orange) and two parcels to be used during construction to be open to development when construction is completed (yellow).

Puget Sound transit guru Atomic Taco (his internet handle) was in the audience, live tweeting the more major points during the meeting. (You can visit his Flickr site here.) While the audio recording above and the presentation docs to follow will be useful to those who missed last night’s meeting, Atomic Taco’s and my tweets are also worth a read (and are much easier to skim through).

What follows is a selection of our tweets during the meeting. (At the bottom of the window, hit the “Load more…” link to continue reading.)

Soil sample drilling continues for North Link Light Rail

Earlier this week, whilst driving east on Ravenna Blvd, I happened upon the following scene in the grassy median (at Ravenna Blvd and 12th Ave NE):


A few tweets and emails later, I get the scoop about the digging from Bruce Gray, who does media relations for Sound Transit:

Yes, that work is part of our advance geotechnical work for the North Link project to extend light rail from UW to Northgate.

The crew you saw, or are seeing, on Ravenna near 12th are taking soil samples to give us an idea of the type of materials we will encounter during tunneling for that extension. This is all part of the final design work for the alignment. We take soil samples along the entire alignment to get something akin to an underground profile of conditions the tunnel boring machines could encounter. The line is scheduled to open in 2021.

Bruce was also kind enough to reply in an earlier North Link Light Rail post to a commenter regarding the proposed names of the stations. (You can read his reply here.)