I don’t think SDOT and/or SPD would be too crazy about this, but gosh, it looks fun.
Wedgwood discusses the 35th Avenue NE business district tonight
Our neighbors in Wedgwood are holding a meeting tonight that has quite a few points of interests for Ravennians, too.
Here’s the agenda for tonight’s general meeting of the Wedgwood Community Council (via the WCC website):
- CleanScapes will share the fantastic news about the $50,000 the Tuesday collection area won towards a community project!
- We’ll share a bit about what the next steps are for the $13,000 grant the WCC, Sustainable NE Seattle, and others won for emergency preparedness.
- We’ll describe the “Donut Hole†and where both “Wedgwood†and “Ravenna-Bryant†begins.
- We’ll present the land use planning process the WLUC [Wedgwood Land Use Committee] is proposing and describe how you can get involved in shaping the future of 35th Ave NE.
The Wedgwood Community Council meets at Wedgwood Presbyterian Church (8008 35th Ave NE) from 7-9 PM.
Coffee chats with Wedgwood Elementary’s principal scheduled
Wedgwood Elementary School’s principal, Chris Cronas, is holding a series of informal meetings for parents in January and February. The meetings look to be taking place in the neighborhood (vs. at the school) in both mornings and evenings.
Wedgwood Elementary’s PTA president and vice-president will also be attending the chats.
From the Wedgwood Weekly (about page):
Over the next several weeks, I will be hosting a series of informal coffee meetings for parents, the first of which will be on Tuesday, January 17th from 9:00 to 10:00 am. The purpose of these meetings is to give parents a chance to come and ask questions about any issues they are thinking about, and discuss these issues with others in the community. In addition to myself, Katie Traverse and/or John Piccola, our PTA President and Vice President will be there to chat with folks and answer any questions about the PTA.
I want to make it possible for everyone who wants to attend one of these coffees to do so. For that reason, they will be offered at two different times – one in the morning right after the school day begins, and one in the evening off campus.
The morning coffees will be held in the library from 9:00 to 10:00 on the following dates:
Tuesday, January 17th
Thursday, January 26th
Tuesday January 31th
Monday February 6th
The evening coffees will be held off campus from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. The first meeting will be at Café Javasti on 35th, which has graciously offered to stay open late just for us. The location for the remaining meetings will be announced soon. The dates of the meetings are as follows:
Monday, January 23rd, Café Javasti
Thursday February 9th, location TBA
Thursday February 16th, location TBA
If none of these times work for you and you are interested in attending, please let me know. I look forward to meeting with many of you in the following weeks.
Chris Cronas
Burglar(s) along NE 65th Street shatter glass, take nothing (UPDATE)
UPDATE (Friday, December 9): Wedgwood Top Pot Doughnuts (6855 35th Ave NE) was hit the same night and in a similar fashion (door glass smashed in, store rifled through, little to nothing taken) as the other two break-ins, an employee of the store told us today. We were also told that the estimated cost to replace the broken, super-thick all-glass door is $3,000.
The alarm at Bagel Oasis (2112 NE 65th St) was tripped Tuesday morning around 3 AM. When owner Peter Ryan arrived, the double-paned safety glass of one of his front doors was found scattered all the way to the bagel case at the other side of the store.
Someone had entered the store, but nothing was taken.
A couple doors down, at the Crepe Cafe (2118 NE 65th St), a pane of glass in the door was found broken, as someone had made an attempt to unlock the door from the outside.
But the door remained shut. And nothing was taken.
Cheryl Olmstead, general manager of the Crepe Cafe, didn’t seem too surprised by the burglary attempts. December turns out to be popular month to break into businesses in the area, she said, citing many examples.
But one specific Christmastime burglary attempt in particular stands out to Ryan: Five years ago, when he and his son arrived at his store to find the burglar still on the premises. They could give Phoenix Jones a run for his money, in our humble opinion.
Should anyone have information that leads “to the arrest of knucklehead who threw a rock through the front door and broke in last night,” Ryan is offering up free bagels per week for a year. Call the Seattle Police Department’s non-emergency line at: (206) 625-5011.
Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center survey needs your input
CLARIFICATION: This survey was created by a community member (who attended the RECC operations meeting on November 9). While this survey is not an official Seattle Parks and Recreation creation, your answers are still much appreciated and will be shared with the staff.
On the heels of last week’s Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center operations meeting comes this survey gauging interest in new programming at the community center.
Whether you use the RECC or you don’t, please take a few minutes to answer the seven questions included in the survey. Future operating and programming hours may depend on it!
Learn Home Weatherization Tips with Sustainable NE Seattle
The days are growing shorter, the air is getting colder, and your heating bill is on the rise.
What a perfect time to learn about home weatherization.
Sustainable NE Seattle‘s November meeting will be held on Thursday, November 17, at the Wedgwood Presbyterian Church (8008 35th Ave NE), from 6:30-9 PM (social time with treats for the first half hour).
Here’s the event description:
There are some immediate things we can do to make our homes more energy efficient. We will learn what to do before replacing windows from our community expert [and Ravenna resident], Joel Gregory. Also, learn about Solarize NESeattle, project to bring reasonable pricing for solar power to our neighborhood. Additionally, SustainableWorks® home retrofitting org, will be here for input and Q&A.
Bring a snack to share, if you wish, and your own utensils.
Sustainable NE Seattle is, via their about page, “a community of citizens dedicated to building a sustainable, resilient future for our locality, which includes Seattle neighborhoods that are north of the ship canal, east of I-5, and north to about 110th St NE.”
For more information on the organization, check out their FAQ (PDF).
Slideshow: Fall colors at Picardo P-Patch
As is our custom, we took a stroll through Picardo P-Patch at the beginning of the month to capture some autumnal farm foliage pictures. Here they are, for your Saturday Brunch pleasure*:
Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.
And, what the heck. Here’s a set of pictures from fall of 2010:
Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.
*Unless you’re using an iOS device. Which we do. So, clearly, we need to find another slideshow solution, darn it.
Ride along with Officer Acuesta, virtually, as he patrols Ravenna
Ever wanted to go on a ride-along with a police officer? Tomorrow, Tuesday, September 13, you have your chance!

Officer Acuesta has plenty of room for you to ride along...but only tomorrow from 11AM to 8PM. (Picture source: Seattle Police Department)
From the SPD Blotter (Seattle Police News and Events site):
Ever wanted to go on a police ride along but never had the time? Curious as to what a day in the life of a Seattle Police patrol officer looks like? Now you can – virtually.
Join us tomorrow for Tweetalong Tuesday. Follow North Precinct patrol officer Audi Acuesta as he goes about a typical day patrolling roughly from I-5 to 35th Avenue NE and from NE Ravenna Boulevard to NE 95th Street. Police responses will be summarized in easily digestible bites of 140 characters or less. Pictures will be included as appropriate. Learn more about Officer Acuesta and follow his shift Tuesday 11:00 AM – 8:00 PM by following us @SeattlePD on Twitter.
Below is a map of Officer Acuesta’s patrol area tomorrow. It includes ALL of Ravenna and Roosevelt, and parts of Bryant, Maple Leaf, and Wedgwood (by my estimation).
View SPD Tuesday Tweetalong area in a larger map
We plan to retweet the highlights as they happen on the Ravenna Blog twitter feed, and Storify as much of the virtual ride-along for a post on Wednesday (for those who wish to read the tweets later, on this website).
This is not the first time the Seattle Police Department has experimented with social media: The first tweetalong was with East Precinct officers on bikes on August 9th (highlights at Capitol Hill Seattle). Before that, on July 26th, the SPD official twitter feed posted nearly every emergency call in the city for 12 hours. Perhaps you read about it, in the New York Times.
Dahl Wading Pool season ends TODAY (Thursday)
Thanks to a meteorologically late start to summer this year, the Seattle Parks and Recreation Department extended the seasons of 11 of the city’s wading pools, including the one at nearby Dahl Field (7700 25th Avenue NE).
Today’s wading pool hours of 12-7PM will be you and your little one’s last chance to cool your toes in the wading pool this summer. And with a high in the low 80s forecast for this afternoon (peaking around 4PM), I highly recommend it.
That and a box of popsicles and you got a good time.
Sustainable NE Seattle’s Planet:Home Festival returns this Saturday
This upcoming Saturday, August 6, Sustainable NE Seattle’s Planet:Home festival returns to the Hunter’s Farm lot in Wedgwood (7744 35th Ave NE), from 10 AM-5 PM.
This now annual event features educational talks and activities centered around the themes of sustainability and community.
Upon entering the festival grounds, attendees wander through an outdoor “house” configuration, with activities set up in their respective “rooms” — for example, tool repair is held in the “Garage” area.
Festival-goers are encouraged to bring items for repair (such as bicycles and tools), plant starts to swap, and clothing for repurposing.
Food is available for purchase, on site, from various venders.
If you are not familiar with this event, check out Ravenna Blog’s post about the first ever Planet:Home festival last year: Planet:Home – A Sustainably Great Time.
More information on this year’s Planet:Home (including new attractions for 2011 and the schedule of bands performing) is available at Sustainable NE Seattle’s Planet:Home page.
2011 Speaker Stage schedule:
10:30-11:30 Francis Ayley of Fourth Corner Exchange in Bellingham (Fourth Corner Orientation)
11:30-12:30 Lisa Taylor of Seattle Tilth – Your Farm in the City
12:30-1:30 Candy Castellanos of Cleanscapes – Reduce Your Waste!
1:30-2:30 Marion Maxwell of the Puget Sound Mycological Society
2:30-3:30 Jenny Pel of Permaculture Now!
3:30-4:30 Joel Gregory of King County Housing Authority – Energy Efficiency Throughout the Home
And, remember:
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