Wacky Western Wednesday TOMORROW at the RECC

Fantastic (and Cheap) Family Fun at the Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center (6535 Ravenna Ave NE) continues with Wacky Western Wednesday!

From the Summer 2010 Seattle Parks and Recreation catalog (pdf):

Wacky Western Wednesday
Ages: 12 & under
Attention cowboys and cowgirls! Throw on your best western attire and cowboy duds and head on over to the community center! Eat some good ol’ fashioned cowboy chow, and come ready to party like cowboy, minus the campfire! Special guests include a mobile petting zoo (complete with a pot belly pig, goat, donkey, chicken, and bunnies) and pony rides on miniature and regular horses!
8/11 Wed Noon–2 p.m.
Activity Fee: $3

Did you see that?! Pot belly pig! Bunnies! And horses! And CHOW…all for three bucks.

We say: YEE HAW.

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