Welcome (back) to the Ravenna Blog!

Hello again, neighbors!

2016 was pretty rough on everyone, and that included us, too. Our full-time attention was focused elsewhere and left little time for writing for this site. Yes, we kept up on local news over on our Twitter feed, but it wasn’t the same.

We’re writing to say that 2017 is going to be different. Starting NOW.

We’re coming back, Ravenna.

In the coming weeks we will be dusting the cobwebs off the ol’ RavennaBlog.com and returning to this space to cover local Northeast Seattle news and events again. We won’t be 100% right away — some recovery time in 2017 is also required — but we hope to be there in a couple months.

More soon. We promise.

Happy new year.



  1. Love ya, looking forward to your posts.

  2. Donna DeShazo says:

    Good to know you’re back…you’ve been missed!

  3. Shawn Swift says:

    this is great! thank you. 🙂

  4. Wendy Sykes says:

    So glad! You’ve been missed.

  5. Ulysses Hillard says:

    Twitter exchanges and twitter news has been fun but I suspect the resulting slice of readers is more narrow.

    • We agree. This is also why we started the Sunday Morning Editions a while back — to collect some of the week’s conversations over on social and present them here, for regular readers. We hope to bring those back again soon as well.

  6. Welcome back. Miss you

  7. Hooray! This is good (hyper-local) news, neighbor!

  8. Nancy White says:


  9. February 11, 2017 is Neighbor Appreciation day. We appreciate you and your blog all year round.

  10. You’ll always be Ravenna Blog to me, regular posting or not. But I’m glad you’ll be trouble-making (nearly) full time again!

  11. Hello
    I am a friend of the elderly woman who owns the house that was on fire. Luckily, she left two hours before the fire to go to Portland.

    She’s moved to Portland to be closer to family. She was moving out. Luckily, most of her items are now in Portland.

    Somebody was looking down on her! They say it was an electrical fire. So glad it happened when she was not in the house. She is 91.

  12. sheikh sadi says:
  13. I saw a cyote walking slowly down 68th coming from 20th Ave and contemplating going down the alley behind the church.
    However he continued down to the Ravenna/Community Center. It was 11:00 p.m. APRIL 2-2019.
    Hopefully it was a one off!

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  15. I love this site, I spent one tour in the US Air Force and I watch this blog several times a day. Most of the blogs I have seen several times, And still enjoy them and even cry each time. Thanks

  16. Rachel RodriguezJacobs says:

    Thank you

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