Seattle Parks and Recreation Winter Brochure now available

The folks at the Meadowbrook Community Center were kind enough to alert us to the new Seattle Parks and Recreation Winter Brochure, available now.

This quarter, the Northeast edition includes the Laurelhurst, Magnuson, Meadowbrook, Northgate, and Ravenna-Eckstein community centers, plus the Meadowbrook Teen Life Center, Lifelong Recreation (for the Northeast only), and two pools, Meadowbrook and Helene Madison.

Click the happy couple in the snow below to download the brochure (8.4 MB PDF).

NE Library Firefighter Story Time: When you gotta go, you gotta go

Front grill of Engine 38 - THAT'S HOT

Firefighter Story Time at the Northeast Library (6801 35th Ave NE) yesterday had everything you’d ever want in a Firefighter Story Time: Lots of firefighters (one of which was in his FULL GEAR), a HUGE crowd of enthusiastic listeners, a good story highlighting fire safety, and ACTION.

Lieutenant Milton, Firefighter/Storyteller

The crew of Engine 38 treated a crowd of over 200 parents and kids to a reading of No Dragons for Tea: Fire Safety for Kids (and Dragons) by Jean E. Pendziwol.  But before he got too far into the story, Lieutenant Milton did warn the crowd about his pager:

If this thing goes ‘BEEP BEEP,’ we have to go.

We all laughed.

With so many eager listeners in the crowd, Lt. Milton had the rest of the crew spread out through the space with extra copies of the book so that everyone could see the pictures.

Firefighters Lt. Milton and John Paul Jones

Firefighter Becky Mathews turns the page.

Firefighter Dyer, not part of Engine 38's crew that day, was also on hand to help.

After the story, Firefighter Chris Hassel showed off his full firefighting ensemble.

Flash photography is NOT helping us out here, but still looks pretty cool. (Hassel on left, Lt. Milton on right)

A now helmeted and masked Hassel shows the crowd his position relative to a smoke-filled room.

At this point, the crew of Engine 30 headed outside to ready the truck for inspection.

Priority parking behind the library

Fire engine 38's cab section

One of many storage areas on the engine, opened up to reveal the equipment inside.

Doors to the engine’s cab were opened, and a multitude of storage areas were revealed all over the exterior of the engine.  Kids and parents filed out of the library and surrounded the engine and her crew.

Then Lt. Milton started to talk about the differences between fire engines and fire trucks, and how this engine hooks herself up to a hydrant,

This engine carries its own 500 gallons of water all the time! Neat!

and then we heard:


Lt. Milton looks at his pager, says, “‘Motor vehicle accident.'” Pause. “We gotta go.”

“AWWWWWWW…” said the crowd.  What a bummer. But duty calls! What are you gonna do?!

The crew of Engine 38 rapidly closed up all the compartments and hopped in the cab as the crowd backed away to make room for the engine to head out.

Here’s a video of their all-too-soon departure:


I think the engine sounded really sad about leaving, don’t you?

But take heart, citizens of Northeast Seattle! There’s another opportunity to see a fire engine up close just this next week, as Firefighter Story Time heads to the Green Lake Library (7364 E Green Lake Dr N) on Wednesday, October 13 from 11:15-11:45am.

You can find the full schedule of Firefighter Story Times here, at the Seattle Fire Department Event Calendar page.


EXTRA FIRE DEPARTMENT-RELATED TIDBIT: The NEW Fire Station 38 (across the street from the Sand Point Metropolitan Market) should be wrapping up construction around the end of December 2010. Stay tuned for open house dates, and information on how YOU could own the OLD Fire Station 38.

Spice Up Your October Festivities with the RHS Thriller Club

RHS Thriller Club article at My Green Lake - click to read at

There’s a club at Roosevelt High School who will dress up as zombies, come to your October event, and perform the Thriller video zombie dance…for FREE!

Amy at My Green Lake has the story.

Wow. Clubs have sure changed since I was in high school.

Your Busy Weekend for August 28-29

You could clean your garage this weekend, like you’ve been meaning to do for MONTHS. But here are some other options for your weekend that you might enjoy a little more than that:


  • Make an oven powered by the sun.
    • Solar Cooker class, University Heights Center, 5031 University Way NE; 10am-2pm; $10, register by calling 527-4278
  • Go to a winery open house in Roosevelt.
    • Eight Bells Winery open house, 6213B Roosevelt Way NE; 11am-5pm; please RVSP to rsvp [at]
  • And/Or stay in Ravenna and taste wine.
  • Go play, eat, run, dance, paddle, bounce and more, all at the same place.


  • Go to story time, no matter how old you are.
    • Adult Storytime, Ravenna Third Place Books, 6504 20th Ave. NE; bring a short work from your favorite author or poet to read aloud


Anything else to add? Let me know in the comments, and I’ll edit the post!

Say GOODBYE to Summer at Final Fling TOMORROW

Time to say GOODBYE to summer; not just because Cliff Mass says so, but because it’s Ravenna tradition!

Ravenna-Eckstein Playground on dedication day, September 5, 2008

The Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center (6535 Ravenna Ave NE) is hosting its annual Final Fling party TOMORROW, Wednesday, August 25th, from 6-8pm. It does cost a whole dollar to partake, but there’s a barbecue dinner and CAKE in it for you. Balloon Buffoon will also be on hand to create his impressive balloon creations.

The balloon line on dedication day.

This event has also become the Ravenna-Eckstein Playground’s annual birthday party. Technically, the current version of the playground was dedicated on September 5, 2008 (read our post “You may now commence the fun” for a look back at the ceremony), but why take a chance on September weather?

Wacky Western Wednesday TOMORROW at the RECC

Fantastic (and Cheap) Family Fun at the Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center (6535 Ravenna Ave NE) continues with Wacky Western Wednesday!

From the Summer 2010 Seattle Parks and Recreation catalog (pdf):

Wacky Western Wednesday
Ages: 12 & under
Attention cowboys and cowgirls! Throw on your best western attire and cowboy duds and head on over to the community center! Eat some good ol’ fashioned cowboy chow, and come ready to party like cowboy, minus the campfire! Special guests include a mobile petting zoo (complete with a pot belly pig, goat, donkey, chicken, and bunnies) and pony rides on miniature and regular horses!
8/11 Wed Noon–2 p.m.
Activity Fee: $3

Did you see that?! Pot belly pig! Bunnies! And horses! And CHOW…all for three bucks.

We say: YEE HAW.

Seattle Night Out TONIGHT

Tonight is the 27th Annual National Night Out, and Seattle is once again celebrating the event.

Throughout the city there will be streets closed for block parties and bouncy houses (well, we know of ONE in Tangletown, and it sounds FUN), and other community-building, crime-preventing  events. Visit the Seattle Night Out homepage for more info.

I know of at least one block party here in Ravenna (at 70th and 23rd) and there may be others. Let me know where they are, and I’ll add them to the post.

And even if your block has nothing planned for tonight, the good folks at the Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center have you covered.

From the Parks and Recreation Summer 2010 catalog (emphasis mine):

National “Night Out”
All Ages
“Night Out” is a national crime prevention event. It is designed to heighten crime prevention awareness, increase neighborhood support in anti-crime efforts, and unite our community. It is a great chance to learn about crime prevention, while also celebrating your community and spending time with your neighbors. Meet firemen and policemen and explore a real fire truck and a police car!
Location: Ravenna-Eckstein CC
6–8 p.m. Activity Fee: Free

Yes, we’ll go check it out for the toddler, but maybe I’m pretty excited to see the fire truck, too.

Get Your Pirate On

RDon’t forget, me hearties: Pirate P”ARRRRRRRRR”TY today at the Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center, from 11am-1pm.

From the Seattle Parks and Recreation Northeast Summer 2010 catalog:

Ahoy mateys! We be a meetin’ at 11 a.m. at Ravenna fer adventure as you hunt fer hidden treasure. Lads and lasses, come dressed in yer finest pirate garb and be prepared fer some swashbuckling fun, grub, and kiddie spirits.

To help prepare you for this event, here’s a YouTube primer on “The Five A’s,” brought to you by the originators of International Talk Like a Pirate Day (September 19th) — Ol’ Chumbucket and Cap’n Slappy:

And here’s Cap’n Slappy again, with some random pirate phrases you may want to use AFTER the party. Or, at least, not around the childrens:

Cheap Thrills for the Family at the RECC

Britt over at Seattle Parks and Recreation was kind enough to send me a list of the free or nearly-so family events (and one fundraiser) happening this summer at the Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center.  The first one is coming up THIS WEDNESDAY. *bounce bounce bounce*

$1 Super Summer Economy Busters

Big Bounce Bonanza
Ages: 12 & under
Bounce your way down to Ravenna for our 3rd annual Big Bounce Bonanza! Big and little kids will have age appropriate bouncers along with other activities guaranteed to wear ‘em out!
6/30 Wed 1–3 p.m.

Pirate P”arrr”ty
Ages: 5 & under
Ahoy mateys! We be a meetin’ at 11 a.m. at Ravenna fer adventure as you hunt fer hidden treasure. Lads and lasses, come dressed in yer finest pirate garb and be prepared fer some swashbuckling fun, grub, and kiddie spirits
7/22 Thurs 11 a.m.–1 p.m.

Annual Kids Carnival
Ages: 12& under
A Ravenna tradition! Celebrate summer with your friends! Laugh and play while you enjoy carnival games, a bouncy toy, face painting, bingo, and lots of fun!
7/14 Wed Noon–2 p.m.

Final Fling/Playground Birthday Party
All Ages
Salute goodbye to the summer and help us celebrate our playground’s 2nd birthday! Balloon Buffoon will be on hand to create his impressive balloon creations! Barbeque dinner and cake provided.
8/25 Wed 6–8 p.m.

Fantastic Family Fun at Ravenna

Chalk it Up for the Community Garden
All Ages
A first-of-a-kind event here at Ravenna-Eckstein, the Chalk it Up Event is a fundraiser for our Community Garden Project. It’s simple! Teams of one or more purchase a 5’ x 5 ‘ space on our hard court play area at the back of the center. This year’s theme… of course… is “How I grow my Garden…” Join us for an evening of family fun, farm to table food, creative energy, and a little community building! Registration forms available on June 28.
7/28 Wed 6–9 p.m.
Activity Fee: $25, Teams of 1 or more.

National “Night Out”
All Ages
“Night Out” is a national crime prevention event. It is designed to heighten crime prevention awareness, increase neighborhood support in anti-crime efforts, and unite our community. It is a great chance to learn about crime prevention, while also celebrating your community and spending time with your neighbors. Meet firemen and policemen and explore a real fire truck and a police car!
8/3 Tue 6–8 p.m.
Activity Fee: Free

Wacky Western Wednesday
Ages: 12 & under
Attention cowboys and cowgirls! Throw on your best western attire and cowboy duds and head on over to the community center! Eat some good ol’ fashioned cowboy chow, and come ready to party like cowboy, minus the campfire! Special guests include a mobile petting zoo (complete with a pot belly pig, goat, donkey, chicken, and bunnies) and pony rides on miniature and regular horses!
8/11 Wed Noon–2 p.m.
Activity Fee: $3

How to Stay Home This Weekend AND Have Fun

Another (hopefully) regular weekly post for you: Things to do in Ravenna (or close to) on the weekends.  And we’ll throw in a forecast, too.

Saturday options (AM clouds, PM sun; high of 72!):

Sunday options (partly cloudy; high of 73!):

Saturday AND Sunday:

  • Ravenna Third Place Books is having one of their big ol’ 40% Off All Used Books Sales this weekend. B.Y.O.Wheelbarrow, note the flyers.

The forecasts are via, for the 98115.